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Everything posted by T04GTR

  1. or you could by mine n/a r34 use th 32 box anyway
  2. what is everyone doing lol. ok 255-40 17 fits really well. nice and square. 245-45 looks abit skinny 265 is pushing it. (starts to stretch in)
  3. and what freekin steel is used for the brakets. i had to re-sharpen every 2mm dammit lol
  4. ok i made them fit. just had to close up the zed mounting holes and re-drill for skyline pttern. the hieght is fine. but the ofset needs some adjustment as the inner of the caliper comes about 1mm to the disc
  5. get back to nsw missy
  6. hi all. i just gat a ap 4 pot rear brake kit for my car. 32gtr. its meant for a z33 . it uses cp5147 radial calipers. on dba 330mm two piece rotors. i need to know if anyone knows of a place that sell a similar kit where i can get the corect adapters for them. the z33 adapters are two wide and are the wrong ofset by about 5mm any info would be cool. thanks, dave
  7. $9000 + gst fine but. i have seen legitamate cars literaly hollowing out the cat themselves. ps.. have fun trying to gut the 4x versions (stainless core)
  8. ps.. mine was stock running 1 bar
  9. i ate a big red candle
  10. perhaps i should just not drive at all. the ever tired "had anything to drink tonihgt?" followd by "pop the bonet please" grrrrrrrrrr
  11. hmm. just come down to sydney for the weekend. drive through the citty or bondi and it will al become so clear. i hate cops. they ar ruining my life.
  12. well. im just gonna say this.(not ofence intended to anyone) but.. i personaly come across as somewhat of a honky redneck so yeah. ive not expected much from them either. other than them telling me that falken 326 tyres are "really grippy" im a mechanic. and anyone who has been to tafe in an automotive trade will know what im talking about. meaning us "skippy poofters" just dont get the same service as our "western oriental gentalmen" variety of people. needless to say the only time ive gone there is just for tyres. back before i knew anybetter. its handy when where you work has alll the fascilities for tyre changing. but more to the point. that display this mob aledgedly had done is not only ilegal but pretty much against all work ethics the department of fair tradingcomands. if i was to do this at my weekend job at autobarn. not only would i get sacked. but my boss would loose the franchise and id be sued for losses. but just a nice perfectly legal trick you can play is to call work cover. cos i can bet my left testicl that they would NOT COMPLY to the standard workplace safty reqirments. so was everyone wearing steel capped shoes? non baggy clothing? an up to date first aid kit? safty markings on all the hoists, hoists up to date seriving? fire drill? and pretty much all other safty reqirements. cos if all of those points listed above do carry a on the spot fine. gotta love a spot audit f**kem they smell and i really dont like there attitude in general. completly un satisfactory.
  13. yes here comes the do-gooders, oh well. lets se how sensative we can all be, shal we
  14. hi 5
  15. which way did he go george,wich way did he go
  18. AS ABOVE
  19. lol. vegeterian crockadiles FTW
  20. funny lookijng sand people
  21. *rides of on wierd jetsons style bathtub car*
  22. you do not need to see my identification *waves hand at badie* "i dont need to see your identification *says badie*
  23. run luke . run
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