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Everything posted by T04GTR

  1. hahaha, dammit. do teh diff alreaddy. ohhh, i need a clutch and 4 tyres. so me not going.
  2. 11.7 @116mph a t04'd gtr with 315kw@tw
  3. open deck: closed deck:
  4. closed deck is strongest, the bores dont move. which can lead to broken rods,pistons and blown head gaskets
  5. "deck" refers to the block open deck blocks have the cylinder liner un suported by the block up top. honda and subaru, (except rs-turbo) semi closed is where the liner is partialy suported up the top. ie youve got the bore with suport bits stoping the liner moving around. ie:sr20,some hondas. (open and semi open deck are mostly alloy block engines) closed deck is where the only gap around the liner is small holes for the water galleries. ie:pretty much all iron block motors.
  6. im pretty sure there not drummond
  7. yesss, sigtastic
  8. hmmmmm, not to many takes racing
  9. alrighty then. next
  10. all you suspension guris out there.. whats the diferance between the blue bodied bilsteins and the yellow ones? there on a 32 gtr with the normal size taperd springs with helper springs and circlip height adjustment. they look brand new. so i dont think there and "old model" anyone know the go?????
  11. open the boot while its running and check the fault code on the attessa ecu. red led flashes the code.
  12. ie:its probably got the 3 times 2 bolt pattern. it should alreaddy have a limmo. ohh the shafts. series 1 r33 will fit. but check the bolt pattern(same length but)
  13. only if the stub axels have the same bolt pattern
  14. id say its just fuel
  15. if its constant. its rich. if it comes out in bursts its pinging ps. at night itl look white with the headlights shining thru it.
  16. smc is a great ecu. easy to tune. the only downside is that it needs a special trigger disk for the crank angle sensor. like 50 bucks or somthing. you need to look at the serial number on the side of the unit . if it ends in a 4 its high current injector drivers/if its a 2 its low current. but is a 200buck upgrade if it doesnt. only has 1 variable auxilary output. (un used injector drivers can be used as on/off) autotune feature is great(with a temp cominsated wide band lamder sensor im using the 500rcdiwith mine with 3 series 4 13b doulbe coils.. its great. no static like a msd and just doesnt get hot!! at all mines making only 315kwatw through a sock 26 with a t04z and mild tuning. very smoth drivability. can be tuned in may ways as a load input. for a 26 id sugest throttle position/map. all the adjustabe fetures are all usfull not just marketing ploys. like changing the ttriggers to +trigger to - trigger etc. basicly its just really user friendly with excelent resolution. can be set up for closed loop and lean highway cruise modes for economy. the fuel injector control is very good. 3 decimal place acuracy. comes with preprogramed injector responce times in the current software. the way wich it is tunes is really simple. none of this direct m/s adjustment or carby style shit. just a really logical ecu. id highly recomend using it. www.autronic.com
  17. apart from the plug being entirly differant. 3 pin instead of 6 or somthing
  18. but still fill it up to the hump on the dipstick
  19. a good idea to do.
  20. off topic, but who does photos of wsid street meeets?
  21. well, is it controling boost? like not boost creaping up top? thats the bottom line, who cares about the size of the turbo... if anything the biger the turbine the smaller the gate needed. as more gass needs to pass thru the turbo to make boost... ahh, woops. what pressure is it stable at? yes its too small get e bigger one. period. perhaps a hks one thats meant to go with the kit
  22. ahhaha, evan more the reason to leave it... then you can go chop chop scoobiedoo. pfc, 700cc injectors is nice. youd only have to get them later. sooo giddi up.. wont have any adverse affecs. just hooke them up. besides stock injectors on 14-15pounds are at 90-95%duty. (no point having sequential injection) (with standart turbs)
  23. hmm what about wismans ferry? ps... my tryes wont pop this time lol
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