best way to go about it is adapting v8 super car brakes. they run 17's but not your normal ones....
things you need to look for are pad availability, and pad thickness. anything taking less than 25mm thick pads is a waste on a race car in my opinion. also thick rotors 32mm isnt gonna last. 35 and 36mm thick is the norm these days.
for comparisons, i got my 355x35 pfc direct drive rotors for about 650 each. where as a brand new ap supercar rotors at 375x35 were only 510 each lol....
but i can get my pads of ebay ex-nascar for $100 a set of brand new bedded pads, where as the supercar pads are about 800 a set brand new.. hats wherever you go will be on average 500 each for a floater with anadising regardless of what size disc..
anyone know off any brembo front supercar calipers for sale?