cool. so do we have to have "hans" devices?
and do we all have to have our sump plug and gearbox plugs lock wired?
what about the fire extingisher? its usaly just tek screwed in, is this ok?
and since our cars are all rated to over 2.5litres (turbo multiplier) do we have to have 3 litre catch cans?
also do we have to remove all window tint?
will we be black flagged for not running valve caps on our tyres?
do we have to drain our coolant and refil with a non glycol based inhibiter?
do we need window nets?
and if we have a harness does it have to be in date?
are secondary bonnet locks needed?
what about anti shatter adhesive covers to glass light lenses?
do we need a cams approved tail shaft loop?
lets be seriouse here lol.
things like floor mats, spare tyre( held in with bolts, and passed adr crash tests..) fine. no major oil leaks and nothing baulky loose in the cabin. thats about it. just common sence.
suction cuped electronics are allowed. your waring a helmet so what can it do to you......lets not be assholes like a phillip island..
its not a full on cams target scrutineering sesson peeps.
its turn up, get all the loose shit out of the car, on with your helmet and away you go. if we are going to be full on captain cams, (confederation against motor sport) then all the items i listed above need to be implemented, and some. or its just a half assed crock.. lol
lets just be realistic here.. cheeres