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Everything posted by Blade

  1. Blade


    Need some injectors at least 550cc for rb25det Located in Victoria Please send a PM or call me on 0423 779 645 Thanks
  2. Did my oil change today, Go to start the car back out the drive way and my steering is gone All i did was jack the car up at the front, on the cross member However i did spend about an hour trying to remove the Oil Filter...is their anything around the oil filter that can damage ur power steering? When i removed the oil filter oil spilled out onto 2 EXPOSED wires on the bottom which had broken out of the plastic piping... And thats about it, so its either something ive done around the oil filter area or my pump is gone and its a coincidence it happened right after my oil change.. Thanks for any replys
  3. they did recent retune on my car, best tune ive had ive been to 3 different WELL KNOWN workshops who have f**ked me around. big thanks to ICE for the decent tune.
  4. im looking to sell my car, to buy a ute or a 4wd, havent advertised it yet though now pushing 220rwkw without injectors, will let it go for pretty cheap, can drop u the specs I was gonna strip most of the stuff off but i cbf, if i can get around the 17-18 mark for it ill be happy
  5. I think this is a fair fine, i was easily doing more then 120. I got caught red handed, and i didnt argue with him. i felt bad, and i think i will take the fine, but it he didnt follow me at all so he made the speed up. GTRGeoff i like your idea alot, its only 4 months before i get 4 points returned too me, so maybe i can stall it by taking it to the court, then once i get my 4 points back i can pay the fine and cancel the court and pay the small admin fee. So to double check on p-plates u get ur points returned to you 1 year after the offence? I got caught for driving over but under 15 december last year =1 point, and 1 day after between 15 and 25 = 3 points, only 4 months away till december . Have u done this before geoff or know of someone whos done the same thing?
  6. i wish i had 12 to play with lol, on p's mate so only get 5. INASNT did you have a lawyer? or did u argue urself? wat happened to you sounds exactly wat happened with me, i only had 1 cop he was a senior sergeant aswell. precedent doesnt apply to magistrates court so ill have to argue my case well. nismoid how pricey is the lawyer lol, id rather pay $210 and drive normally for 12 months depending on the price
  7. Thanks for the replies guys, Got the notice in the mail 2 days later. 120km/h with $210 fine and 3 demerit points, that tips me 2 points over the limit, so i can either choose to lose my license for 3 months, or go on good behaviour for 12 months. What would you guys do, court or Bend over like nark said and pay it -- would u take 12 months suspension or 3 months loss?
  8. thanks for the replys, i didnt admit to speeding, however i did ask him how does he verify what speed i was doing when he doesnt have a radar, and he just said he has 30 years of experience, and he knows that i was easly over 100, against his CALIBRATED speedo lol. i however was in the wrong so i didnt argue, but i didnt admit to what speed i was doing at all. I felt guilty as hell, cause it was obvious i was hammering it
  9. thats cheap, he should of given it too me on the spot, obvously he couldnt make up his mind on what speed i was doing
  10. cbf i was in the wrong, i was just expecting a infringement on the spot but i received f**k all, so my question was are they allowed to sned u one in the mail
  11. Quick question, I got pulled over today on the eastern for speeding, i always give the car a good squirt after the hairpin from hoddle I pass the cop 3 lanes away and i saw him pretty much straight away and got on the brakes but it was too late by then. He stated i was doing easily more then 140, and that he should take my car of me, took my license then sat in his car for 10 minutes then came out and didnt give me a notice, handed me back my license and said "ull be getting something in the mail" He had no radar just his calibrated speedo, and 30 years experience. Question is am i screwed...how come he didnt give me an infringement notice - dont they have to give u one on the spot, i cant find any info anywhere.
  12. man i wish i still had my v one r, i spent shitloads on hop ups and stuff, then got bored of it and sold it off, i must of lost about 6 to 800 on the damn thing
  13. what happened to the quick reply box at the bottom i think i need glass's
  14. some nice figures mate what tyre pressure were u running? and wat rpm were u launching from? i ran a 12.9 about a while ago, and i had really bad traction issues running street pressure
  15. damn i was hoping it was EAST eastside i.e closer to the city claytons in woop woop lol, still take me ages to get to waverly and clayton
  16. went their couple of months ago for my sis's going away its the joint with the red and green cards for stop and go yeah? i stopped after my 5th serving, they ran out of vegetables to go with the meat, they need unlimited POTATOES
  17. join nark so i can take your chips and your money lol
  18. Im in, Is their a prize pool for 1st 2nd and 3rd? Player: 1. Leewah 2. Jamezilla 3. cole_trx 4. linxus40 5. ferni 6. krzysiu 7. Blade 8. 9. 10. etc.
  19. i wouldnt bother getting that fixed mate, cost you an arm and a leg to get that fixed up properly, best thing to do would be to go to autobarn grab yourself a fibreglass repair kit, buy the closest matching touchup paint you can find and spend a couple of hours yourself fixing it. It may not look as good as a professional job but itll look a damn sight better and youll have a spare $400~ in your pocket.
  20. Blade


    murcotts driver training is good. You learn obvious stuff, like keep ur distnace in traffic etc and not to tailgate, watch for other peoples mistakes and so fourth The best part is out on the track obvously if u dont have abs go easy on the brakes to prevent skidding, and thats pretty much all the teach u. and when u hit the slalom go as hard as u can lol, Our instructor didnt mind us going full throttle, it always adds some excitement when someone spins out, after all it is in a controlled environment
  21. 6 weeks and counting due to my ankle but before that probably 2 days longest, in around 2 years
  22. Their was a guy doing a group buy for 33 nismo bonnets a while ago on these forums, i remember posting a reply to him asking for the nismo style Worth a shot pm if u can find the thread, im still interested in getting one http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...light=jun+style hes called garage 13, i think hes from nissan silvia, now banned --- was he a dodgy dealer?
  23. i rekon its a chicks car though imo, its has some impressive features, 4wd, nice power etc, but too me it will always be a sooped up chicks car lol
  24. how much was the tune mate my knock reaches 60+ sometimes, need to get it retuned
  25. Damn, owners with silver 33's who play ball must be jynxed lol 4 weeks ago i tore all my ligaments in my left foot, driving through the key, some arse stuck his foot out, so now im driving mums car , i feel for u mate, least u only have 3 weeks to wait!
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