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Everything posted by Blade

  1. GTS-t refers to R32's 2 litre turbo RB20DET GTS25t refers to r33 2.5 litre turbo RB25DET
  2. Why cant he reveal the name? The dealer dicked him, surely we should release the name so that others dont fall into this trap
  3. Its quite simple here People who feel they cant handle the power of a skyline or any fast car...dont drive it If you arent confident dont drive it If your shit at turning the car, reading the traffic 100metres ahead and observing conditions ...dont drive a powerful car Its just the tossers who cant drive who **** it for the young people who can
  4. Its illegal to drive a twin turbo car in victoria on your p-plates shouldnt you be fined and licence taken off , suprised the police havent done it yet
  5. Pictures of the: PIAA H1 7500k Plasma Whites HID conversion Kit 8000k
  6. Gauging interest for the following: 8000K Super Vision Japan HID conversion KIT = $454 + $30 to $50 Shipping PIAA Plasma Spark Blue 7500K H1 H3 HID Xenon = $100 Shipping for the bulbs if you buy 2 sets = $19 so id think for 1 set itd be around $10 to $15 The seller said if i buy 10 sets of bulbs he'll knock at least $10AUD of each set The bulb sets come with 2 bulbs so you can choose if you want them for high or low beam, if you want it for both then buy 2 sets = $200 + shipping
  7. wtf he aint cool mate, and secondly he aint a kid, hes an adult and should know better
  8. I got my r33 95 model for 16k, i waited a year for a bargain like this, be patient and ull get a mad arse deal insurance on the other hand is ****ed for me, famous insurers wont insure me as i aint 18 years and 6 months old and i also havent had my p's for a year That only leaves you just cars and young and cool, expect a quote for $4000 premium with about $1500 excess I figured its not worth goign comprehensive so im paying 3rd part fire n theft for $700 Also alot of people hike up their prices on skylines...theirs only so much demand and theirs quite a few desperate sellers if you buy at the right time
  9. Damnit! Ill get some prices on H1 Globes then Its funny how the description says Fits all cars (Most) Ok i just got a price for PIAA Plasma Spark Blue 7500K H1 XENONS Its 100 AUD + shipping from Hong Kong, depending on how many i order, the more i order the larger the discount, might make a thread in group buy
  10. Yeah exactly!! you dont have to prove anything...its just the morons who give into temptation and hammer it Skylines are like a moron magnet, at about 6am this morning driving through eltham i had some top bloke xr6 ute up my arse, tailgating through windy roads doing about 70km/h in the wet...in the end i pulled over and let the speeding ****er through Just have to ignore the idiots and like mike said leave the heroics to the track
  11. Yeah exactly Wish my parents bought my car
  12. Damn so all of the above have a white/blue color So will my car be able to run the PIAA SPARK 8000 8000K H4 9003 HID Xenon Bulb with out any hassles? I can get a pair of them for around $140AUD shipped to my door rrp of $130USD + shipping
  13. Also they only come in pairs??? Does this mean i have to buy 2 boxes...2 for my high beam 2 for my low?
  14. ive searched the forums for about 40 minutes reading past threads on globes..but nothing which helps me on determining which type or globe to purchase etc.. PIAA Plasma Spark Blue 7500K H1 H3 HID Xenon Output color temperature = 7500K (Closest HID like bulb from PIAA) H3 55W = 85W H1 55W = 100W PIAA Spark Blue 7500K 9005 9006 HB3 HB4 Bulb Output color temperature = 7500K (Closest HID like bulb from PIAA) HB (Design for 9005(HB3) and 9006(HB4)) 55W = 100W PIAA SPARK 8000 8000K H4 9003 HID Xenon Bulb Output color temperature = 8000K (Closest HID like bulb from PIAA) H4 60/55W = 110/100W PIAA Plasma Spark Blue 7500K H7 HID Xenon Output color temperature = 7500K (Closest HID like bulb from PIAA) H7 55W = 100W Does anyone know out of the above globes which one is the best globe in terms of legalness and power... What does H7 and H1 H3 mean Also these globes wont fry my electrics will they? I read that the headlight protectors are plastic or something, and if you get the wrong wattage it can fry your whole car and start a fire I might be able to get a group buy on them, if anyones interested Thanks in advance!
  15. hondas dont belong in wasteland they are a good car Some of my friends have hondas, they are a great, reliable, good looking car Nice sound system, did you get the system and the car for 2k or did u put the system in yourself? You should throw in a B18C or watever its called thatll make it fly
  16. Seriously, buy a gts-t if you can control yourself and have will power not to put your foot down ffs... Its a very nice car to drive and to learn in, As long as you are safe and dont get all ****y and try to drag ppl etc and hammer it through corners your fine Drive it safely, but if you give into temptation or mates edging you on to do something stupid then dont get one They handle really well and as above any car is dangerous depedning on how you drive it
  17. I tryed to get a quote from famous but iwas denyed Cant get insured by them till im 18 years and 6 months and had my p's for at least a year Looks like i have to stay with just cars
  18. Any car is dangerous depending on how you drive it, i drive mine extremely sensibly, never put my foot down and i wont till i gain more experience... Their are alot of safe p-plater high powered vehicle drivers out their,
  19. dont scare me please buy a line and drive it safely, remember any car is dangerous its just how you drive it
  20. hahaha He was never going to win, its not hotrodsaustralia.com
  21. Yeah what point are you trying to make here streetmachine? This is a skyline forum, we dont need some lil fag to come on here and start baggin our cars Grow up and get a life, simple, ITS NOT ALL ABOUT STRAIGHTLINE SPEED
  22. best thing is to ignore the twirp Hes most probably jealous and insecure, needs to start an e-fight, go back to commonwhore bogan land
  23. I speak for myself in saying im an enthusiast like many other skyline drivers, and i dont give a rats arse what you say about skylines cause by the sounds of it your a ****head, who has the brain power of a rat, go back in the hole where u came outta of u ****ing scum
  24. They didnt damage your grille did they? when they took it off?
  25. Thanks mate [email protected] ill upload it on my webspace straight away
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