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About bake

  • Birthday 13/06/1986

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  1. looks like its going to be a great day tomorrow its cleared up now,time to clean car up Hpe to see everyone there tomorrow, there will be a few extra that arnt on list that will be turning up as well
  2. cant wiat till tomoz its cleared up now, so time to clean car now. NO ULTIMATE STILL IT SUX heres my mob number (0412573011)- u can ring me if u want to find out where newie crew is tomorrow looks like its going to be a great day , hope to meet up tomorrow
  3. cruse is still on inewy but we wont be going anywhere near noby's unless hav ok of someone in there.Look all sydney people still should come up the cops are very good up here as long as u dont have bald tyres your right.I ve never been pulled over and checked for defects yet there after lowered vans air bags that are not safe.I havnt seen them defect a person in newcastle for 6 months. As for riots i think its going to be fine just young kids sending chain texts like emails. Dont call it off, we want to meet u all we can go to redhead beach which is 20 mins from newcastle or somewhere else.
  4. ive got about another 5or more r31s coming now ill hav 4 0r 5 people in my car including me sorry dave cant get it turboed for this cruz mate
  5. hey guys im in for sure i drive a r31 skyline probly get some other r31's to come along nicce ones though no stockers
  6. http://www.policespeedcameras.info/news_nsw1.html#eagle my mate found this site for me. Definatly fighting this one all way cause even details on ticket are false they wrote. The speed cameras & especially the car mounted cameras are so inaccurate its not funny. I saw a story on the news a while back about the mounted cams. The cops use them even though they know they're inaccurate. Check these out - http://www.policespeedcameras.info/news_nsw1.html#eagle http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,16204811-1242,00.htm Quote A radar expert claims the Silver Eagle Radar in use in Australia make mistakes 60% of the time. Quote ACA show video footage of the Silver Eagle Radar system being used in a questionable manner by police in the metro area in NSW. The trouble is that the Silver Eagle system is only suitable for straight stretches on country roads. Quote The case revolved around the integrity of a mathematical MD5 algorithm published on each picture and used as a security measure to prove pictures have not been doctored after they have been taken. Mr Miralis argued that the RTA had to prove the algorithm it used was accurate and could not be tampered with. He said: "It is our understanding that since speed cameras were introduced approximately 15 years ago on NSW roads, not one single speed camera photograph has been capable of proving an offence."
  7. i got booked in newcastle last night on warf rd going past fannys towards honeysuckle. They booked me for 67 in 50 but read there radar only said 66 , there is no way i was doing that speed i was in second gear accelerating but was back down to limit before they were on corner i had a turboed silvia up my arse that accelerated up behind me as the cops came around corner. The silvia did bolt hid in side street i was just driving along honeysuckle drive cops pulled me up said they had got me at 67 in 50 zone .Does anyone know what laws are on the cameras on side of car, arnt they only supposed to be used in rural areas not city build up areas especially not on a corner. my email is bak125@hotmail.com if anyone knows anythting about the laws could they plz let me know
  8. i got booked in newcastle last night on warf rd going past fannys towards honeysuckle. They booked me for 67 in 50 but read there radar only said 66 , there is no way i was doing that speed i was in second gear accelerating but was back down to limit before they were on corner i had a turboed silvia up my arse that accelerated up behind me as the cops came around corner. The silvia did bolt hid in side street i was just driving along honeysuckle drive cops pulled me up said they had got me at 67 in 50 zone .Does anyone know what laws are on the cameras on side of car, arnt they only supposed to be used in rural areas not city build up areas especially not on a corner. my email is bak125@hotmail.com if anyone knows anythting about the laws could they plz let me know
  9. NSW Bowers Suspension 5% off everything for sau club members (can post aus wide) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Located in Newcastle at 270 hannell street wickham ph : (02)49693911 Bowers are offering 5% off everything all the time for sau club members except on items that are allready on sale They sell all suspension and undercar gear, bushes coil overs, tyres,mags all types,ehausts,air bag kits,just goes on cant list everything They also have a fitting shop that can fit all parts there will be 5% off fitting this discount may vary They are also selling tein coil overs now which hav been designed for aus road conditions, im looking at getting a set myself if a few are interested might be able to get better deal http://www.bowers.net.au/suspension.php3?a...in%20Suspension All enquires email to fiona@bowers.net.au or ring (02)49693911 http://www.bowers.net.au/
  10. u get any shots from front
  11. i loose my lic on 24th may till 25 aug will be able to meet up in newie,hav to get my friend to driv me in mine.So will not be able to cruz till after 25 aug unless in newcastle.Also who had the other 31 grey one. Anyone going for cruz in newie this thurs night or sun.
  12. i was at newcastle foreshore and newie from 3pm till 8pm i didnt know cruise was on saw all skylines go past bar beach i was headin home turned around caught up jumped on end u did 2 laps of foreshore than u all split up went home . i would hav come if new it was on .I was the white r31 on end .dam missed out. I want to meet other people in newcastle to cruz with giv me sms0412573011 or email bak125@hotmail.com
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