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Everything posted by Blue_J

  1. Only 300! What is she like traction wise? Snapping sideways on gear changes?
  2. Are you fit? just jokes! We need more girls in skylines! specially with 19" rims
  3. well the gtr was 732 Black Pearl Metallic apparently. to be sure...i could check with nissan fast if u like?
  4. build date: 9202 i.e Feb 1992
  5. This may be of some interest... more discussion on HID & compliance etc... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...light=xenon+adr
  6. Spot on! Just checked in a Motor mag lying around: 1st place: STi 0-100km/hr: 5.74s 1/4mile: 13.82s 2nd place: SS 0-100km/hr: 5.82s 1/4mile: 13.99s 2nd place: XR8 0-100km/hr: 6.11s 1/4mile: 13.99s 4th place: WRX 0-100km/hr: 5.81s 1/4mile: 14.01s 5th place: 25 GTT 0-100km/hr: low 6's 1/4mile: ~14.2s 6th place: S15 0-100km/hr: ~6.9 s 1/4mile: ~14.8s 7th place: Magna VRX AWD 0-100km/hr: 8.60s 1/4mile: 16.49s 5th and 6th aren't in the mag, however times are pretty close to published figures somewhere in some mag. So what we came 5th! but for the price difference you could make them look like a Magna
  7. Spot on! Just checked in a Motor mag lying around: 1st place: STi 0-100km/hr: 5.74s 1/4mile: 13.82s 2nd place: SS 0-100km/hr: 5.82s 1/4mile: 13.99s 2nd place: XR8 0-100km/hr: 6.11s 1/4mile: 13.99s 4th place: WRX 0-100km/hr: 5.81s 1/4mile: 14.01s 5th place: 25 GTT 0-100km/hr: low 6's 1/4mile: ~14.2s 6th place: S15 0-100km/hr: ~6.9 s 1/4mile: ~14.8s 7th place: Magna VRX AWD 0-100km/hr: 8.60s 1/4mile: 16.49s 5th and 6th aren't in the mag, however S15
  8. Hate to be cynical and all... but I can forsee this thread to become very loosely attatched to the truth. At the end of the day, numbers are numbers. The best way to find out the truth is on the road... i mean the track
  9. Would think an STi would win the 0-100 dash most would do it in around mid 6 seconds GTT should beat an S15 -specially with a little tuning 1/4mile & the WRX should get whipped SS and XR8 may be a little slower down quarter...all depending on traction etc... but they can be bloody quick too! All around low-mid 14sec mark as far as i know. (STi prob high 13's) The aussies would kick ass in torque figures obviouslly, but round a track jappies would clean up. That's my thoughts anyway!
  10. Not sure whether Nissan Fast works like that.... The only input u can really give it is a VIN to get a specific result like that ... i think anywayz
  11. hehehe same.... beat me to it
  12. No probs Nightcrawler If anyone wants me to run their VIN through Nissan Fast just pm me the details...
  13. Hey Nightcrawler; here are you nissan fast results; A little jap translation might help though *First abbrev: Super Fine Coat - paint *Second abb: Something about rear UV (prob tinted???) *Third abb: no clue! rear something? In case anyone was wondering about S1 GTT's they were also available in the stunning Bayside Blue... the one I looked at in yard was a S1 and they wanted $44k for the thing. damn expensive!! The colour is so rare; hence all confusion and mystery.
  14. Oh damn! I thought the car was turbo. No seriouslly I won't be rude, but you are totally incorrect. Yes they made Bayside Blue GTTs, anyone who has told you otherwise don't know jack. BTW car dealers generally know nothing about cars, so there is a start. Additionally I have sat in a Blue GTT at a yard and yes I'm not colour blind And lastly but not leastly to prove my point; here is my results from Nissan Fast for my car; Note: 1-Colour Code, 2- Engine RE25det
  15. How easy are they to replace??... will be complying my 34 in around a month and will def. want to keep the xenons. i bet they will have to take them out for compliance though. damn ADR any modifications to unit required? please explain for the xenon ignorant
  16. Pretty sure hes joking... Can't believe there is an Aqua Green S1 Well you learn something new every day... There are also S3 R33's.... don't ask me what colour they came out in. From memory these were v. rare!!
  17. Yeah the one i'm importing (see avatar) is a blue gtt Colour code is TV2: Bayside Blue The S2's do have 3 gauges, except that one has a TV so maybe the boost etc... is shown on the screen?
  18. All that I'm aware of; AN0 Super Clear Red BN6 Deep Marine Blue KH3 Black KL0 Spark Silver KN6 Dark Grey LP2 Midnight Purple QM1 White KP4 Sonic Silver AR1 Super Clear Red 2 BT2 Champion Blue This was in GTR's though, pretty sure there weren't any of the lighter blue shades in GTS-Ts though
  19. Sure are rare! This is the only other one I've ever seen: http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/au/st...sp?StockID=2880 which sold for around $37k + tyres, rego and stamp duty Yeah series 2 front bars aren't as sweet as S1's That's why i went for the Nismo Aero front bar...looks a lot tougher
  20. Yeah that english.auto Website is pretty handy for a general guide to the auction prices. It even has some stats based on prices for diff colour choices etc.... But generally how much you pay is directly related to how many km a car has done. i.e. >80,000km and you are guaranteed a bargain These two sites are archived from Nissan in Japan and are pretty interesting despite the crappy translation; Series 1: May '98-August '00 http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...YLINE/R34/9805/ Series 2: August '00 on http://translate.google.com/translate? hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://history.nissan.co.jp/SKYLINE/R34/0008/:)/http://translate.google.com/transla...YLINE/R34/0008/ Good luck! Think i'm going with the Series 2, only because I want a newer car. There seems to be minimal difference between the two; Except front bumper, badge location, front grille to name a few.
  21. The simplest way to change a car's colour i found (being a photoshop dummy) Go to; Image>Adjustment>Replace Color *Put the dropper tool (which is now active) on one of the car panels and click the mouse *Slide the Hue bar around to change colour *Slide Fuzziness bar around for finer tuning for shading etc.
  22. Totally depends on if its a series 1 (98-00) or series 2 (0.5-02), manual, auto, 2dr, 4dr Also km are a big factor in their price. If you don't mind a car with ~ 100km on clock u can get a bargain. But it's true, the 34's have really gained in popularity and have become a little more expensive over the past 6 months or so. Go figure!
  23. Sorry nissan fast says the vin doesnt exist?? no clue, though the program can be weird at times
  24. These links should help any R34 Series 1 vs 2 Questions... the official nissan archived webpages http://history.nissan.co.jp/SKYLINE/R34/9805/ http://history.nissan.co.jp/SKYLINE/R34/0008/ Series One: Made from May 98' to August '00 Series Two: Made from August '00 to June '01 If you run the pages through Google:Language Tools translator they will prob be much more useful to you! Also the R34 Colour Codes i.e. KV2 are explained with pics Not too sure about Series 3's if they were made?
  25. Sounds a bit too good to be true.... i don't know. i mean that car should surely sell for around $20k? even 58,000km is nothing. Let us know if you see it/test drive it!
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