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Everything posted by ultim8DTM5

  1. ****ing hardcore. i got some bad news when i got home, health problems with relatives are not funny at all especially when you say your popping out for maccas! :eek:
  2. werd dude, get a grip. mario earn's his money so let him do as he pleases, if anyone had the expertise in australia to build a PROGTR i'm sure it would have been locally done more so that it was. and DON'T TELL ME YOUR CAR WAS BUILT MY DON BURKE'S BACKYARD MOTORSPORT get off the anon. comments, have some balls and stand behind your opinion, not a new alias. haters :headshot:
  3. so whens the meet?
  4. perhaps one of John Deere's finest then, Bum Bandit? :lol: jk
  5. theres always the 15yr rule :lol:
  6. Yes, United suck... Cmon Boro! Oh yea, welcome to the 'bored' Pete. :burnout:
  7. Googs fit some screamers inside, they are cheap enough (around $10 each i think from Jaycar Electronics) so if the alarm goes off you can deafen the ****ers.
  8. i'll get owned by the reception desk...because i live within 5kms they'll make me join, and membership closes at like 4pm or something?? last time i just got in with my good looks doubt it would work again
  9. maybe the guy i saw got car jacked... jk
  10. I heard the nice chaps at Westbus will give you a lift...
  11. aka taking the piss
  12. reminds me, anyone else seen the youngun in a Black Evo 6.5 with red P-Plates round the smithy/wetho area? seen him twice on king rd and cumberland hwy... looks aussie
  13. Dan is this the same petition as posted by 33Spec2?
  14. i dunno franky put a GTR badge on it and it will come close! :bahaha:
  15. who was that bird who leaned into ash's torana on canterbury road?
  16. I want your Sub! Apparantly A-Z is not bringing them into Aus anymore, so if you're ever selling it, let me know...
  17. bling bling
  18. Post #100 :Owned:
  19. yea that remote start is just like a vibrator instead of the normal dildo's in SAU = 1337
  20. :lol: dunlopvolleys@hotmail.com
  21. we gotta be careful guys...if minh flexes he'll knock us out with them boobies
  22. me <3 traction control donnie, all that pizza going to waste...tsk tsk tsk.... :bahaha: nah minh that's my call, URINE IS YELLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW but i'll license it out, its all bling bling...
  23. #0412 931 383 got rid of that pesky 0055 job...
  24. It is definately a possibility. I have been on several cruises where a disclaimer has been signed excusing the club and organisers of the cruise from liability. However keep in mind that contractual agreements of this kind are not binding at all. Basically in the event of something going wrong; this usually occurs when the road rules and laws are not obeyed, which in turn throws out any use of a disclaimer. As such, liability would fall behest to the parties partaking in the illegal conduct, ie individuals. However if a person was participating in a cruise, where illegal road behaviour was encouraged eg drag racing, drifting etc, the organisers in addition to individual members would be held liable. Not only the organisers, if the club becomes fiscally an entity, or a corporation, the club itself can be liable. Basic safeguards include a no tolerance policy on illegal behaviour, which includes public dissavowing of poor and dangerous driving to enforce the club's stance on dangerous behaviour, setting a precendent and distancing the club from the idiotic acts of individuals, and of course, public liability insurance which is not a viable alternative due to financial reasons, but the best nonetheless. I am sure Prank's old man could shed some light on the issue, as can other members in the legal profession. I am doing contracts law next semester, so until then... Pete.
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