I think the car scene, like everything in life, is heading down the toilet. But it SHOULD be heading in the direction of improved safety and improved fun - which means people get better training (eg the 3 stage mcgill course in events!), have enjoyable but safe cruises on the road and take it to the track for any and all forms of fanging - circuit drag and drift.
Sure, we didn't all buy high performance cars to accelerate gradually to the speed limit and take corners at a leisurely 50km/h but so long as excessive speed is avoided, dumb shit is avoided and people drive within the limits of their car and their ability then in my book it's all cool. Even soccer mums do 10km/h over the limit so I'm not going to lie through my teeth and say we should all be 100% legal - because there's a difference between following the rules, bending the rules, and being an outright ****wad