correct me if i'm wrong anyone...if an officer incorrectly fills out a speeding ticket which in this case he did because he didnt state the speed u were doing, it deems it invalid ???, and also the cops cant do u with out a radar unless u admit u were speeding...i got done overtaking an unmarked cop 4wd on my cbr250rr 1 week before i got my was a 40 zone and he reckoned i was doin about 140 .... hehehe took them bout 10 kays to catch me with backup, i didnt even know he was after me till a paddy wagon nearly ran me over when i was stopped at the lights minding my own business, anyway 3 cops in the 4wd all givin me shit tryin to get me to admit it...nah mate..i was doin 40, anyway they gave me a warning and if it wasnt for that i wouldnt have my skyline woke me up a lot !!, but sometimes not enough...