Was an awesome day! Better than expected actually. DT wasnt bad at all, picked up many helpful pointers and progressed quite well through out the day, just glad i entered DT cause i had no clue what so ever during the first session.
Thanks Jack for the tape and holding my belongins with your things, hopefully next time u can take me for a spin and show me y these GTR's do 1:01's - 1:04's and Supra's dont
Damn Archie your car hammered down that straight with the big single
Aaron, your car is on drugs man
Well done Matt, u know u've done something right shaving off them 2 secs and all for PB
Had some issues with cheapo tyres, dampeners and ride height. I will need to raise front end a bit next time and soften up the dampeners, my car felt like i was going bush bashing through the outback.
Cant wait for next years season to start
Heres a few pics