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Everything posted by icydude

  1. alot of peoples oppinions is headgasket. It would make sense if the headgasket wasn't sealing correctly and the coolant system pressurised. with the oil in the coolant(on the rad cap) its the only possible solution.
  2. Hi guys, I drive a 1990 R32 GTR. Unfortunately, there's coolant draining out when the car is running, not from the heater hoses or rad hoses, but rather somewhere underneath the intake manifold near the 4th/5th/6th cylinders. There's also oil down the side of the block. Any ideas what's wrong?
  3. well the thermostat got changed and that only partially fixed the problem. there was no coolant spraying out but rad hoses did not have pressure. The apexi 1.3bar rad cap solved the later problem. Everything is working top notch.
  4. its goign to be stuck in there to just get some leverage with a screw driver and give it a good tug.
  5. shaped like all of them. the original ssqv had a adjuster screw on the back but it did not change anything. It wasa design flaw by the makers as it would have been better without it. The ssqv knows when to open and it does. the new version doesnt have the adjuster. Also i wont be reverting back to the original bov's.
  6. i pulled out the thermostat and hung it on water and heated it up it open enough to drop off the string at 85 should open at 76.5 I will be replacing that because its cheap and easy. Also the hks ssqv does not have an adjustable spring pressure. the new version does not even have a screw on the back. Thanks for the suggestions guys I will try some out and let everyone know.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I am ordering a new apexi 1.3 bar rad cap to replace the .9 unit that is in there. The turbo chatter is only on low boost but it still does not seem right. Both rad hoses are hot and the water pump was replaced 8000 km ago. Can it still be a stuck thermostat if im not overheating and both hoses are hot? also the coolant resevoir is spitting the fluid out;)
  8. Ok so i have a 1990 r32 gtr and recently i have been having some issues, Coolant overflow spitting out stuff Compressor surge/turbo chatter what ever you want to call it but there is back pressure regardless, i have a single hks ssqv mounted on the stock bov with the other opening blocked off. both the bov and the comressor surge are audible. runs quite rich - on the dyno ran a 9.3:1 at redline no coolant in oil so thats all fine
  9. you wouldnt happen to know how much meat was left on the twin plate clutch do you?
  10. i dont know sorry. the best i can do is this site http://members.dodo.com.au/paul/docs/power...d-car-model.htm
  11. 360 aud with free shipping to aussie
  12. As stated in the title i have some defi bf guages for sale. They are White BF series, more info here http://www.nippon-seiki.co.jp/defishop/pro.../bf/bf_top.html I am selling: 1 x EGT gauge in C 1 x Boost gauge in (boost in bar, vaccum in kpa) 1 x Water temp gauage. 1 x Defi Contrul Unit II (needed to opperate guages) asking price is 770aud for everything.(pretty firm on that) they were used for about 1.5 weeks then put into a box where they have been sitting for a good 5 months now. I wont be using them any time soon so i might as well sell them to some one who will. They are located in Canada but shipping would be very reasonable. picture:
  13. yes just the commander
  14. I would find a Transaction forum very useful in the classifieds section. could make a a post or thread for each user you completed a transaction with sucseffuly wit ha certain user. I have bought many things off of here but im always guessing as to who is trustworty
  15. Bump, last day at auction
  16. still need one
  17. bump
  18. shipping would be 10 aud. http://members.dodo.com.au/paul/docs/power...d-car-model.htm that site should tell you, model for the commander is 415-x
  19. I have 3 defi's water temp boost egt control unit 2 pm me an offer if your interested.
  20. Hello, I am selling my Apexi Power FC commander. The model is 415-x and it was bought new 3 months ago. I am looking to get 380 aud obo. I am located in Canada and i am willing to move on the price. shipping will be 10 dollars. more pictures here: http://www.trueform.cc/public/fccpics/
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