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Everything posted by icydude

  1. ttt, need this as soon as possible. new or used but must work 100%
  2. I need one R32 GTR MAF sensor. Need to be able to ship to Canada. Thanks alot, you can also email me here: [email protected]
  3. oh damn, wrong section
  4. I need one R32 GTR MAF sensor. Need to be able to ship to Canada. Thanks alot, you can also email me here: [email protected]
  5. search the forums for a topic on bleeding the attessa system if you are still have the problem. just sounds like you have an air bubble or not enough fluid.
  6. My problem was a loose ground from the engine to the body....i loosened it by accident while putting the alternator on.
  7. One of my r32's is making a fairly loud clunking noise. It sounds like its coming from the rear of the car and i will try to explain when it happens. I will be going along in first gear decelerating with the tranny instead of using my barkes in rush hour. Right as it gets at about 1500 rpm if feels like i stop decelerating and i hear the clunk.... I replaced the center driveshaft bearing in the driveshaft loop but the problem still exisits. I also hear it when i dont rev match my shift very well. Could this be my diff maybe?
  8. well the guys at the alternator shop said to check my engine to body ground. im pretty sure i stripped it checking things. damn.
  9. run the diagnosis on the stock ecu then let us know the code
  10. one last try, when i turn my lights on the voltage on the pfc commander drops .4 volts lower then when they were off. any ideas
  11. Ok i madea discovery today and i would like to get some guaidance. i noted before that i felt the lights were dimmer on the dash. well i measuered the voltage at the cigarette lighter and it was 12.9 and the fuel pump was 13.1. The battery was 14.0 and the ecu said 14.0 Now somewhere along the way i have a bad connection i figure or a bad ground. Any idea's on what my problems could be now since i know its electrical?
  12. I will check around in the rear. I do hear a relay click everyonce and a while mounted by the passenger rear tail light.
  13. the apexi pfc reads 13.7 - 14.3 could i possibly have a faulty ground?
  14. any ideas?
  15. R32 fading display(pushing on back of climate control box helps) I went through this problem. When you take the climate control apart you will find two boards inside that slide out. They are connected to each other by about 17 metal pins. If your display is dodgy then look at the pins and you will notice that there is very small hairline cracks which need to be saudered. Fix these cracks and your display will work great.
  16. Well i just replaced my dead alternator and now it seems i have another problem. while i was driving through the city my 4wd light kept coming on so everytime i had to stop andthe light was on i would start the ar again andthe light would take about 3-5 min to come on. Now the car is sitting in my driveway and the 4wd light comes on right away after starting. I have checked the fuses and they are all ok. The atessa computer is giving me code 18. To go along with this problem i feel that my dash lights are dimmer than they once were. The worst of it is my oil pressure guage in my cluster is reading 2kg/cm higher than it normaly does. 4kg/cm on idle, 7 at 4000 rpm. Does anyone know what i might have goign wrong?
  17. Hello, here in Canada we dont have anyone who is very experienced in tuning the apexi PFC. I feel like my injector value percentages are not correct. I have purple denso injectors(believe they are 555cc) What value do i enter for the percentage and how do i get that value? Also how do i view the peak values of the items?
  18. the alt was right screwed. needed full rebuild.
  19. Just last night i was driving along the freeway going home and my dash lights dimmed and the heater slowed down. Im running a Apexi Power FC on a R32 GTR. A little bit later my voltage jumped back up to 14.2 By the time i got home it was back again running at 11.9. When I started my car this morning it ran 13.9-14.1 while it was warming up since its -2 here in Canada right now. When i got a little ways down the road and the voltage dropped down to 11.9 and continued to decrease slowly. As the car sits right now at my work it has 11.6 volts in the battery and i am not sure what is causeing this. What are the possible reasons for my problem?
  20. I never thought about looking at that when it was happening. The 5 degree intake temps are making for to much air flow. Time for new injectors i guess.
  21. no, the knock warning light is different, it flashes 3 times. This is a differnet light. It comes on solid. Before tuning i was having the knock problem.
  22. This wasnt covered in the faq but im having alot of grief from it. When i floor it down the highway right around 6300 onwards the car feels like its being held back and i get a solid red light on the right of the instrument panel. this happens at 14psi as well as 24 psi on my r32 gtr. The other night I jumped the boost to 24 psi and gave it a go in second and right near the top end it went like its supposed to and shot me back in my seat. As i am in Canada we dont really have any place to get our pfc's tuned professionaly so i was hopign someone could give some advice.
  23. I am looking for multiple options.
  24. for what engine type/car.
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