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Everything posted by satanic

  1. Basic common sense really, start putting money away for that rainy day that's coming - and it will come soon unfortunately (already has for many). So many people have been made redundant over the last few months due to the global financial slump that there is now an overflow of labour on the market. Met with decreasing demands, firms have no choice but to limit output and raise prices to maintain revenues/cashflows. The last projection report I glanced over stated that the AUD would be very very unstable until Feb/March 09 (even then it'll look dismal against the situations we had earlier this year or Aug-Oct 07). I must say though that the RBA's decision to drop by 1% was surprising - bit of relief for those home owners!
  2. Haha, great thing about working in the finance industry is you get to see all those cool projection reports... none of this is news really. HINT: It'll only get worse... hold on to your g-strings everyone!
  3. Thanks for the kind words Muz CF Door Sills; they were on for a while up until my supplier from o/s went into financial difficulty.
  4. Cheers guys~!
  5. Thanks for the feedback guys - feel free to chuck up some photos after you mount them?!? Trader feedback has been given to all those who have been kind enough to do so for me!
  6. Should be at this one... need to see how the girl runs on someone elses dyno!
  7. Glad you like it
  8. Hi all, Hope you all had a nice long weekend... thanks to Australia Post being complete idiots, my R34 plans were cut short (leaving more time for boozing I guess, so win either way). Anywho, this just arrived at Mitch's place so a quick snappy showing the new flex plate. Looks very tough, well at least tougher than the standard item As mentioned, the whole piece is now flat with 4 lugs in place to position it against he torque converter. Mike @ MV Automatics did mention that longer bolts will need to be used (12mm x 1mm, 25mm shank) so it's off to the engineering shop for some quality items soon. Stay tuned for more...
  9. Not going to think about another GB for these until this one is 100% over... got a bit too much on at the moment to even think about managing another one. Will also need bulk interest rather than just a one-off in order to get the same prices again.
  10. Ah Ann... always chucking in extras! I hope she sends me one~ Will look at organizing a GB for the PS cap if there's enough interest too.
  11. Hi all I notice that I've received trader feedback on the R34 Fuse Box Plate which means Ann has sent them out already... as you get them, and as you get excited, can you all please spare 2 minutes to give me some positive feedback on the trader ratings? The favour will be returned. Ta Stan
  12. $63K? How much of this is in parts and how much of it is in labour if you don't mind me asking? I'm not debating it, I believe it... just want to figure out how much I saved by doing the labour ourselves. Also helps that I got all my parts at very cheap prices. Assume 20K in parts; leaves 43K in labour... that's about 400hrs in normal mechanical terms (all inclusive). Provided they did EVERYTHING (remove engine, build engine, refit engine, and all the other custom work on it) - yeah, I'd believe it. WOOT~ makes me feel great, saved myself about $40k And yes, had I actually had to pay for labour - the GTT would be scrap metal now and there'd be a GTR there instead.
  13. $20k sounds a little cheap... that shopping list (assuming all new) would make up the bulk of $20k, not leaving much for labour. Having just finished my own build (very similar), I can tell you it's no "easy" conversion - takes up a lot of hours, n a lot of custom work. Initial estimates on my own build was around the $20K mark, and I don't pay for normal labour (only specialist stuff)
  14. Maybe some of the doubters should take a drive through any Northern Beaches / North Shore car park on a Sat / Sun morning or afternoon. I'd be inclined to say that nowhere else in NSW or even Australia will you find so many nice (and expensive) cars in one place. Mitch has said it correctly, the Northern Beaches is far from your "beach going Centrelink dole bludgers" scene... well at least not anymore. Good on Nissan for choosing one of Sydney's newest showrooms to be its dealership.
  15. I bet you this guy who is doing it is from Toyota... disabling one Honda at a time.
  16. Cheers Andrew! There is speculation that there is a little Japanese man in Sydney who may be able to render assistance - verifying authenticity of the rumor now.
  17. Yeah I've heard of people doing some wild things to them (including a 13B Turbo conversion) - but nah, got one money pit already - just keeping mind stock. 1100cc Carby EB2 motor FTW
  18. Thanks mate... I'm keen as to see this plate and even more so to see it back on the car!
  19. When I was there in May they wanted to ream me $225 for extra baggage weight... the upgrade was only $200, choice was obvious.
  20. JS now fly to Narita direct...
  21. That's not my ride.. this one is: My daily driver... 2nd Owner 50,000km No Accident History Full Service History Last Driven in 02 (previous owner passed away, family kept it in storage) Still has the plastic on the interior from the showroom 34 yrs ago * These are actually the 13" wheels, managed to score a set from a wreck - just painted them with a can, looks OK.
  22. Can you confirm whether or not you're flying out of Sydney? Not 100% sure where Leumeah is... Also, yeah that's what I thought about JS planes - they're all brand new.
  23. Yeah I was thinking more like this one: I have a pristine '74 Gen 1 Civic which is how I know about the 4x100 pattern and its rarity.
  24. If it's a Gen 1 Accord then I can understand why... those wheels are worth a fortune (to a select bunch anyways) as they have a very weird stud pattern that is very rare.
  25. I'm young... I look at flights pretty much the same way I look at bus rides / ferry rides - I don't mind a bit of discomfort. And if the past was anything to go by, I didn't see any problems with pov-spec class with JS. Granted, Star-Class is better... but is it worth the cost? Not in my mind, much rather spend the saved cash when I get there.
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