But wait it gets better, last track day we did we had a full tank we think.. Only did a few laps so there should be at least half a tank of fuel in there which we are gonna drain to see how much. That's 1268kg- say roughly 25kg(could be more) which brings us down to.........1243kg
But wait there's more...we may have a carbon tail shaft coming, don't really like these as they stuff up, well they did stuff up twice already on my mates r32 gtr but his exhaust was close to it and ours isn't. So if it arrives that's 9kg less I believe, bringing spare standard shafts regardless to the event.
But wait theres more......we may be putting in a lighter seat as mine weighs in at 9.5kg, borrowing a mates carbon seat and weighing it tonight and need to see if it fits on our rails too.
Our class allows us to be 1215 in a gtr32. Pretty close I reckon and I'm honestly wrapped, thats freak'n awesome for a fully caged car without chopping all the metal out. These guys have done such an awesome job, wait till next weekish, shits gettin good.