I hate when people cant keep a consistant speed, when the road dips and raises, you need to adjust the amount of pedal to maintain a constant speed. Apparently this is too hard for many Perth drivers, and we have to go 40 up hills in a 60 zone, then go 70 downhills.
Since owning a Skyline, I've noticed many drivers try to pace you, they match your speed no matter what it is, and block you from changing lanes.. maybe this isnt accosiated with skylines, I'm not sure, so damn annoying. I've learned to just indicated and start moving acorss, usually followed by the pacer braking violently and a fist out the window. Supposed to give room if you are behind and someone is chaning lanes *groans*
oh one more. Not so common but probably one of the worse things to go through, is when the car infront is not actualy close enough to the induction plates in the road, to trigger the light change, and the moron is sitting there for 10 minutes, before you have to get out, and tell them to move up to trigger the lights. urg!! happend only once, the driver was a senior citizen driving a excel :S