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silver gts-t

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Everything posted by silver gts-t

  1. i have been told by police that they are not legal on another note, if its well hidden and not visible the problem will not be the ecu, instead the emmisions that its creating.
  2. very nice.. you planning on painting the cam covers the came colour?? and what sort of turbo and power figure you after?
  3. i was just trying to help, i even did the search for you. am i suppose to read your mind and know you already did a search? no need to cry like a bitch.
  4. Magman Workshop For Wheels 2/ 21 Moxom Rd Punchbowl NSW 2196 ph: (02) 9709 2686
  5. for example http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...hlite=%2Btuners
  6. dude, do a search in NSW section for tuners.. theres heaps of threads, it will be more informative to you than people repeating themselves
  7. black 33?? noticed it as i was going home
  8. pics of what your 32 is like now would be nice..
  9. ok, well with what ever turbo you have, obviously it was designed like it was for a reason so its prob best to keep it that way.. and you have to agree $1600+ is alot for a noise?
  10. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...5&hl=kkr480
  11. lol do a search bud.. there's heaps of info
  12. hahahahaha funny read, spend your money elsewhere
  13. well y do u want to do this mod??
  14. depends on the case.. in this circumstance i would go alone, ive been to court myself and another time i helped a mate. got what we came for on both occasions.. its only local court im just speaking from personal experience
  15. u dont need a lawyer.. and what big bucks?? you go there pay for the courts time, plead your case and see how u go.. i think you should take it to court, write down what u want to say and read over it a couple times before you go. any adult that can plead his case without a lawyer
  16. i waited in that freaking medical centre for 1 1/2 hours!!
  17. so when you say race slicks.. they will deffinately be illegal on the street? if they are street legal, im intrested
  18. pfffftttt wil u ricer
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