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silver gts-t

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Everything posted by silver gts-t

  1. nah nothing running. ahh well ill survive. anyone got a high rank?
  2. the bar is abou 400mm long and i couldnt move it so i attached a 3ft pipe to the end and thats when the plug warped a lil. might try the oxy, been a while since ive used one.... the filler plug wont budge either, but i didnt have a decent crack at it, worse comes worse it can be filled from the gear stick im pressuming. going to put the car on a hoist next week and give it another go. any other ideas?
  3. wanted to replace my gearbox oil last weekend and no go!! the drain plug wont budge at all. the actually plug warped a lil instead of turning... any ideas???
  4. buddy's definately get my vote, the orange and bronze looks great
  5. yeh gamearena, dont think its my connection
  6. i think if you remove that wing and stripes it will be fixed
  7. me either, must b a 32 thing
  8. in 225r16 or 235+r17 re55's or nitto 555r etc.... thanks. pls PM me
  9. no worries mate *looks for new turbo*
  10. been searching and cant seem to find anything that says rb20 and rb25 AFM's are different. this true?? or can the rb25 be capable of a higher Kw than the rb20 item. thanks ps i know i can get a z32 instead, but curious.
  11. i can picture a whole bunch of people saying they will come and bring their mates, brothers, cousins wife along to have a run, and then being short the 50 people in the end and a whole lot of people saying why didnt the event go ahead?? hopefully doesnt come to this.. im sure the organisers goto alot of effort to get these going so to ensure they keep going we should get behind it and for any beginners thinking this isnt the event for them think again!! last drag day was my first time down the strip and it was awsome! best fun ive ever had in my car, and was a great chance to try and get the most potential out of your car.... my only disclaimer: you WILL want to go back!!
  12. every sat, spot a silver r33 gtr in my work carpark plat gt*911
  13. amatuers, you would think if you want to steal a car you would know how to start it? dickheads
  14. nice hows the height?
  15. IM IN!!! paid watching skylines run all day!! shhweet!
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