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silver gts-t

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Everything posted by silver gts-t

  1. if i said nothing would you give me your mirrors?
  2. if cars could be disabled, thats what they would look like. glad you changing it
  3. this thread is changing from people acting like morons in the rocks to people discriminating againts middle eastern's 2 very different things and cwest, if i had people doing that stuff in front of my house and harrasing my family i would get my trustee hunting sling shot and put some holes in some cars
  4. where people park on one side there is a massive wall on the other there is a factory ground. i can tell you for a fact the noise isnt travelling that far, speaking from expirience and that fact that ive studied vibration and measurement control, i know. BUT i know this doesnt change the fact that there are wankers driving like morons around the area. soloution= a free WSID funded by our smart government who worries about the rest of the world instead of whats happening in their own country.
  5. i have a great idea!, everyone seems to meet further down from the sandstone arch. now tell me where the closest house is to there? is there houses there? no they are at least 100metres min away, if it was my house and they were 100m away i wouldnt care. and dont exagerate, there is no burnouts till early hours etc all there is is people driving past with the odd loud car. if someone lives near a highway do they ask that no-one drive on it? if no one is breaking any laws, there is no problem.
  6. forgot to mention what really pissed me off is that dude they were talking to about the noise etc is that his opinion was "we have MILLIONAIRES eldery etc..." so becuase their rich your not allowed to use the public roads after a certain time they can go F#$% themselves
  7. it would only work if a radio or tv station got behind it and due the power oil companies have and the risk of being sued i doubt it
  8. you should just try supercheap, repco etc look for lil round side blinker, and pop them in there
  9. its a great idea but wont work, people are to stupid
  10. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! the police would act that way if the camera wasnt on, they would b under arrest in a second!!! the police just acted like that so they would seem that they are the victims, like that small shot of footage at brighton near the tower, the blokes there didnt do anything wrong, so why is the police there? ive been there plenty times most of the time no one does anything stupid. for example if there was a large family having a picnic in a park police turn up and tell them to leave, this would be considered harrasment so y is parking in a lil area where there is no houses around consider a problem and people asked to leave? its true the blokes on camera were acting like idiots, but in real life where the police would of forced him on the ground, stepped on his head and thrown him in jail, this would of been considered overkill and the police is the bad guy in the end there no point in us disscusing an obviously BOGUS report. so lets not work ourselfs up over nothing
  11. thought it might not be you, i though this 34 had a stock rear bar
  12. wouldnt it be great if sum1 made a show that was based only on showing how today tonight and aca are full of shiat. everyone would watch it and the shows credibility would be gone! 10 should do it (copyright) if channel 10 would like to pay me for this idea they are welcome seriously....
  13. were u at norton st sat night
  14. dont think so, some of the cars were mini tubbed! some were 454 big blocks. dont think u see them on street alot
  15. spotted shonen on penno rd this morning, i think it was a black 34 with side mount plate, sun was in my eyes. also a dude in white 180 that sounded nice pulled up to me and gave me the nod of approval.
  16. some dudes gallery http://www.obsessivefiles.com/rfboom/newim.../Supercruise10/
  17. gcg, pricey though
  18. is that changed brakes after 1 event, or after the total of 3?
  19. it is the same car, just looks more orange, and wouldnt you love to be that guy in the smoke, LOL
  20. i plan to get down there when mods and funds are available. how many laps did you do? and do brakes, tyres etc need replacement now?
  21. what suspension etc do u have
  22. i prefer cruising on fridays
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