NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! the police would act that way if the camera wasnt on,
they would b under arrest in a second!!!
the police just acted like that so they would seem that they are the victims,
like that small shot of footage at brighton near the tower, the blokes there didnt do anything wrong, so why is the police there? ive been there plenty times most of the time no one does anything stupid.
for example if there was a large family having a picnic in a park police turn up and tell them to leave, this would be considered harrasment so y is parking in a lil area where there is no houses around consider a problem and people asked to leave?
its true the blokes on camera were acting like idiots, but in real life where the police would of forced him on the ground, stepped on his head and thrown him in jail, this would of been considered overkill and the police is the bad guy
in the end there no point in us disscusing an obviously BOGUS report.
so lets not work ourselfs up over nothing