Ok so i finally sold my hks2530 ready to purchase a kando td06sl2 . My setup is going to be:
rb20det (seems rebuilt or very very healthy)
gtr 444cc injectors
gtr cooler
power fc
z32 afm
full 3in exh (with high flow cat and de-cat for track)
hks 40mm ext gate
gtr fuel pump
ok my questions are : i have r31 rb20det cams laying about , would these be worth chucking in? , secondly , fuel . In tas we have 3 options of 98 , 1 bp ultimate ,2 caltex , 3 united (ethanol) . Do you guys think it would be worth trying the united 98 over bp? (caltex is the most common but i've heard stories of it not being very good quality)