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Everything posted by toffy

  1. from kando : Sooo , i've suggested the ar55 cover since it's for a lil 20 right choice?
  2. toffy


    Eyes are peeled! , got a pic?
  3. Yep , i'm trying to enter the last drift prac for 2011
  4. Haha well i've owned this car since 06' and it's spent more time in bits than any other car i've owned (actually it's the longest time i've ever owned a car for) , 'bout time i did something with it! . Anyways , IT'S READY TO START!!! just add water! i ran outta time at work tonight to get it going , can't wait! pic: p.s i must repaint that lovely pink cooler pipe (in a different colour) purple blue and pink don't quite do it for me!
  5. i wish pictures always did that
  6. look into au-current ford radiator setups with the header tank etc , that would be a good start on a budget , their swirl pot(if you would call it that) is in the header tank
  7. Nah i've never entered before , i usually just go to spectate thinking i don't have a car reliable enough to thrash as long as i want to , i'd be pushing pretty hard to break the ceff with the setup in now has
  8. Be careful with that n1 oil pump , i've been hearing bad things about them of late (new ones failing on new motors) . I still wanna see pics of the 2d skirts modified
  9. Where do you get the entry forms from? , i wouldn't mind entering old purple
  10. Thanks mate , i was going to go to brierly hose & handling , i never thought of a marine shop
  11. Why aren't you keen on high solid primer? , or is it the brand you don't like?
  12. i've been spending all my spare time trying to get my purple poo slinger up to drivable spec , almost there , just need to get some nice new cooler clamps and a couple other small things and it's alive!
  13. Looking pretty likely that i'll be there , not alot to do to my car now
  14. Actually , i got the wrong one , i thought there was a ext gate version
  15. This for rb20? : http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/270837880037?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 i'm thinking it should out shine a hks2530?
  16. Could be a multitude of things from sway bar bushes to ball joints to steering arms to shockies etc etc , go get a pedders suspension check , in memory it's not too dear
  17. Ok , i thought i'd go have a look round a 34 to see what the factory setup was like , i wouldn't think that there's 'alot' more room under a 34 bonnet than a s14 , i took a few pics incase it will help . Anyways , what does your car do whilst idling? , do the temps increase much under slow - straight driving? (and/or does the temps rise under any other conditions other than drifting?) , think about where the air is flowing while your sideways , i wouldn't think much would get to the rad (especially with some of the clips i've seen of you ) . if i were you i'd be adding some thermo fans on the front of the radiator and maybe some ducting out of the bonnet? . p.s one thing i did notice with the 34 is that the radiator seals up pretty well against the support so the air that hits it has to go through . pics: p.s.s : another thing with your thermostat , have you tried another new one? tridon are notorious for 1 out of 5 not working correctly , in my race car i actually wire mine open so it can't give me problems
  18. Scored a z32 igniter off a mate to try in the ceff , it was straight fit so i'm pretty wrapped atm , i pinched the 02 sensor off my r32 for the minute (i'll buy a new one as soon as i get the chance) , now i'm just down to hoses/clamps and she's a goer Also a quick pic of the wheels that i just realised are work stitches And some of the mess the car is still in
  19. Ignitor = Z32 , i haven't started it yet but it plugs straight in
  20. subframe won't bolt up (without offset bushes specially made) , hubs and axles will , h/brake fits in the r33 rotors too
  21. Nistune covers the lot mate , sell the safc for profit
  22. High rails suck! , i modified a s13/180 bride rail to fit in my old laurel , it sat pretty low with only the outer needing modification (had to cut and re weld the mounts to make it sit straight)
  23. The gold gt-c's would look nice on it!!! (beside the p1's in the pics you took of wheels)
  24. Damn they're some big runs , it takes commitment to get them like that!! , simon used to own my ceff , i'm pretty sure he has a soft spot for them . Don't bother with a safc , for not that much extra you can have a nistune chip installed to your ecu and tuned properly , safc don't do timing , nistune is arguably comparable to a power fc
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