Personally , i would never put a 25 turbo on a 20 again after the last 3 that i've fitted have felt far worse than the stock turbo . For the mods you've listed you have , i would aim for either a kando td05 18g , td06l2 20g or what hyper gear stated above (which would be the easiest to fit) , another option is the kkr/jjr430 seem to work well on the lil 20 (flame me all you like , in my experiences they are better than a hks gt2530) . All comes down to how much you want to pay . out of all of those turbos , the jjr would be cheapest over all to have on your car running , i'm not sure on the price of the hypergear but expect the 2 kando (trust copies) to cost $1200 upwards (fitted) depending on who you know and how much you can do yourself.