leather was a factory option , as the lights . i doubt the door trims are interchangable if you were thinking about it for your ceff , would be cheaper to buy some leather and trim your stock ones
I'm on it mate , you can't really 'book it in' more so check to see there's nothing else happening on the day , i spoke to des today whilst i was over there and i'll be back there tomorrow to get confirmation from him that we can go out . Without paying the 3k odd hire of the track we have to share with anyone who wants to go out on the day
There is a guy in my state who can do strut re-gas , i'm sure there would be the same thing everywhere else? , you should be able to order new from a nissan dealer?
Haha i can't do that , one of my team mates i race hq's with is a transport inspector , and he's very nosy about what i do with my cars . personal import will do
Doesn't really tell you where your timing is at , have you looked through the forced induction forum on this site? , loads of info on all rb's may help you make up your mind on what turbo you want
ouch , you hate your engine? , when i had the 2530 on the laurel it had 20psi by 4k , before getting annoyed with your turbo , i would suggest a nistune ecu mod and a tune on a dyno , it'll transform your car
nah a 3076 won't spool quicker than a 2530 on a lil rb20 , if your getting full boost at 4500rpm then there's a problem , mine was getting full boost by 4000rpm (20psi) . my kkr 430 spooled faster than the 2530 though but reached full boost at similar rpm , have you tried the 2530 with the iw housing?
since trading the lo-lo tonight , i have to redeem my stupidity by making this thing live and drive , rectum is in gear and asap stamped on finishing this old girl pronto , sooo i'ma gunna get off this pc and make a start! , expect updates around midnight if i don't freeze lol
so did i , it's ok , i can already tell i wont own it long , thought i'd try something different ... i think know i will own another c33 , this time with a sunroof . the s14 will pay for me to go to japan though i have plans of owning a c33 over there and bringing it back as a personal import
Haha that's pretty much the setup i'm building atm , except i'm going 9:1 comp , hks cast mani , std inlet (if i can) and std sump , make sure you post up your progress!
i always thought abs diffs were longer in the 'snout' so the tailshaft was different lengths between abs and non abs?? , so the pinion gear is longer in abs models??