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Everything posted by toffy

  1. do you have a phone i can txt pics to mate , my phone is being gay and wont let me upload to pc
  2. haha yes, yes i do... one or all of?
  3. nah , i was just pointing out that it was an excuse , i know what it's like to just be sick of a car ... bit like a 7yr itch
  4. exhaust gasses leaking into the cabin? and no cat converter ,new flange gaskets all through your exhaust , if you have a leaky injector , fix it a-stat . pics of your car?
  5. Ahh yep , didn't know it was still rego'd , all sweet then! . rb30 will love 4.3 diff gears and 245s! , i doubt you'll need a supercharger for response . I was gunna buy this car myself but couldn't find anywhere to put it (when i did it was too late ) . what you doing with the leftover bits of r31?
  6. that plasic thing is what's missing off the shift i had (now in the g/box somewhere ) dj are (in a nice way) hard to deal with regarding imported vehicles so i was hoping someone (like burgz) had a shifter laying about after converting to a 'short' shifter cheers mate , i shall do that!
  7. haha i'm only stirring 'trator' , you could have bought a jzxXX/x or c35 , atleast they have 4 doors , i have better stories with the laurel , but i can't post it on a public forum . sounds like your ceff just needed maintainence and the only things it would be missing is the 'safety features' . Vaguely the lca is $88 new , steering rack $1fiddy , wheel align $fiddy? , coilovers are a fair whack but , pending they could be rebuilt and a new caliper/hub (i'm assuming you had something bent there too to wear breaks early on the same side as the bent lca?) . you'll own onother 4d one day , i can tell
  8. it does it cold and hot? , maybe the fuel pump hadn't shat itself , maybe it was something else?? . water temp sensor??
  9. yeah the 'traitor' deserves the credit for that too (how is that twin door that only lets you open said doors 45deg Eps? ) , there is value in them , the value is they are worth what someone will pay for them as as the traitor said , there is probably only 30-50 registered aus wide which means they will increase in value over the next 5yrs imo , i could be wrong but to own a car your best bet is to wage in the mainainence + cost + fuel usage , work out what it will cost you over x amount of years, what the vehicle will help you make over said years (% of your wage you would save by having it), add it all up and think of it as renting a car for that length of time + the fun value and that will give you its worth to you . I've been in a similar boat to you and figured i was better off just putting my car in the garage for a couple years and get back to it when i'm ready
  10. aha , it was you that bought it! , nice , are you planning on rego? might want to check with authorities before putting the rb30e+t? in to make sure it can be done . A friend of mine tried putting an older motor in a car he was building and found he couldn't get it passed for rego ( just a heads up )
  11. wassup everyone , i'm chasing a std rb20 gearbox shifter thanks to the plastic thing on the end of the ball dissapearing :S . anyone got a spare? cheers
  12. pretty sure i have one somewhere , i'll look for it for ya tomorrow
  13. no worries , it was worth a try , my ceff will have rego in the next month , if you haven't found something by then we can sort something out
  14. lol it's not a old holden 6 . check for induction pipes cracked/slit or not properly connected , sounds like limp mode or you got the wiring wrong?
  15. for your style of driving justin i'd be going for the td06's nitrous fixes lag . rb25 r32 is a daily?
  16. Uncomplied , easy fix in tas but i keep finding new toys (like the c33) , i get bored easy too . the guards are 'flared' very slightly when it was lowered right down the rim was about 1mm off the guard downways and looked dead flush outways , nfi how it didn't scrape
  17. cheers kris, i should have got better pics of once it actually got lowered , i can't wait to have it actually on the road after 5-6 years of being a shed warmer
  18. what are the wheels beside the dna's damo? i like them
  19. cheers justin , pair for xrated?? , i was about to buy the t25 variant and use a t3-t25 adaptor . an 8cm with v-band exh out would be a winner though
  20. is it blowing any smoke? (i.e black) , i had an r33 do that to me , just before the fuel pump died
  21. toffy

    Wtd Work Vs Kf

    i'd be looking for whatever the s1's cost me basically , or roundabouts
  22. Thanks for the info roy , the 8cm is what i'd be looking for then
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