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Everything posted by toffy
sad to see ya finish up with the old girl nick , if your ever getting rid of the shell lemme know!
cheers mate , i'll be onto ya tonight
tholmesy , is that your camera that your using? , i'd love to hire it/you for the last round
nice , i was parked right beside him to the left for that race meet , damn that car is a1 . That silver 'nunn' r32 seemed to go really well for a rb20 too!!
tried ebay?
yep , thanks , i'm guessing it's kind of rare as i didn't see it in this thread anywhere
KH0 ハイライトパールホワイト can anyone translate this for me?
yeah i have a r32 shell , they are different , i'm onto nic_a31 for his front cut , i'm still not 100% it's enough :S . i don't care about cars that have been crashed before , at the end of the day all cars are just metal welded together , as long as the repairs are done properly , this shell has been repaired but dodgy as f**k so it'll cost thousands to get to a level that i'd be satisfied with putting it back on the road and a fair few days work which means it wouldhave been way easier to just go get the one i have complied/engineered/registered (in tas engineering is virtually a myth once your car is rego'd , popo don't look under bonnets unless your a complete ass ... actually popo dont even pull you over if your driving sensibly, no matter how ghetto your car looks) , the only problem with my purple one is it has to go over the transport and i know a couple of the transport officers really well which means if i put a car over the pits it has to be 125% perfect because they know i know better .
yeah the lower rail is still close enough, it's mainly upper rail and firewall too , i can fix it but i don't know if it's worth it , i'd need a empty A31/C33 half cut i reckon , will see how it goes in the next couple weeks i'll take some pics in the daylight
pulled the front guards off to swap over with the purple ones , l/h side was all good , pulled the right hand side off to find the upper rail has had a big f**koff hit (think of petes blue silvia nick) , i wonderd why the r/h door was hard to shut , i was blaming the bent guard , anyways , a couple of quick measurements later told me the upper rail (strut tower) is pushed over ~5mm and bent shit everywhere , you couldn't tell because it'd been patched up on the inside So now i gotta work out whether it's fixable or i should just send it to the crusher
yeah it's nice , wanted to be lower though , you'll own another just like every other ceff owner i dunno if this is going to go ahead atm , struck a big f**k off hurdle .
f*kin biiiiiiiiiiiiig setback with this thing... no quick project here
nice! : Released September 1, 1988. 当時S13型シルビアのオプションパッケージなどでしか採用例のなかったプロジェクターヘッドランプを標準採用した斬新なフロントマスクが特徴的であった。 S13 at the time was characterized as a standard feature the innovative front mask Projector was used only in cases of optional packages such as the type of Sylvia. 流麗なデザインながらボディ形状は窓枠付きの4ドアセダン(その代わり後席窓ガラスの開口面積が小さい)で、後に登場する4ドアピラードハードトップのR32型スカイライン、4ドアピラーレスハードトップのC33型ローレルとは基本コンポーネンツを共有する姉妹車。 Body shape design yet elegant four-door sedan with a window frame (the small window opening area of the rear seat instead), which appeared after the R32 Skyline 4 Doapiradohadotoppu type, 4 C33 Doapiraresuhadotoppu Laurel and sisters sharing a car-type basic components. マルチリンク式のリアサスペンションを持ち、駆動方式はFR。 Multi-link rear suspension with a drive system is FR. 発売当初は全車にマニュアルトランスミッションが設定され、エンジンに関しては2LのRB20系エンジン3種(EGI付SOHCのE、EGI付DOHCのDE、EGI付DOHCターボのDET)を搭載。 Originally released on all models is set to manual, 2L engine for three of the RB20 engine system (EGI SOHC with the E, EGI DOHC with the DE, EGI DOHC Turbo w DET) is installed. 中でもRB20DETに関してはR31スカイラインに搭載の180馬力から205馬力にパワーアップした仕様であった。 Among them was the RB20DET R31 specifications for the power from 180 hp to 205 hp skyline onboard. 標準車のRB20DETターボエンジン搭載グレードのクルージングをベースとし、日産の特装車専門の子会社オーテックジャパンで、カスタマイズを施した「オーテックバージョン」が前期型の途中から追加設定された。 Based on the standard car and cruising RB20DET engine turbo-grade, specializing in Special Purpose Vehicles Nissan subsidiary Autech subjected to "Customize Otekkubajon" type is set in the middle of the previous fiscal year to add. 1990年9月、最初のマイナーチェンジで中期型になったのを機にヘッドランプをフォグランプ内蔵異型角型2灯式ハロゲンタイプにしたモデルなども追加されたR32型スカイラインGT-R(GTS-4)に搭載の4WDアテーサE-TSシステムを移植しRB20DETと組み合わせた、国内向けセフィーロでは最初で最後の4WDモデル「アテーサクルージング」(後期ではSE-4)の追加も試みられた。 In September 1990, was also added to the model and two-lamp type halogen fog lights integrated rectangular headlights atypical opportunity to become a minor at the first Mid-type R32 Skyline GT-R (GTS-4) Atesa equipped with 4WD RB20DET E-TS system in combination with transplantation in the country for the first and last Cefiro model 4WD "Atesakurujingu" (in the late SE-4) also tried adding. 1992年6月、再度のマイナーチェンジの後期型では2500ccのRB25DE搭載モデルの追加があり、同時に全車5速ATのみとなり、バンパーの大型化で3ナンバー化される。 In June 1992, again in the latter type of minor changes in RB25DE 2500cc models there are additional, and only 5-speed AT while all models, it will be three in number of larger bumpers. FRならではの走行性能重視のレイアウト、そして人気車と基本コンポーネンツを共有しておりパーツ入手に困らないという観点から未だに人気がある。 If the layout of the FR performance-oriented driving, still popular in terms of obtaining troubled parts and components to share and basic and popular cars. ( Yahoo 自動車より 抜粋) (Yahoo Excerpt from motor vehicles)
2 year old thread guys
yeah mate , he is flat stick! 0488322064? leave a message either nick or ben will get back to you asap
^^ too bad someone can't photoshop that bronze onto your ceff , imo with your car it would be 'stand out' i allways think of hella flush as extremely low offset rims on 45 degree angles to keep them under the guards . ok my main aim that i'm piecing together in my head is of a car that kind of blends together so to speak , i don't want the car to out shine the rims but i don't want the rims to out shine the car if you understand me , by the pictures in my head it'd be easy to f**k up and make a pile of ugly which is what i don't want , honestly i think i was headed that way with my purple ceff , std bars didn't suit that at all (autech kit would save it with a set of work equips or better offset gt-c's +bulk lowness ) . mr eps is pretty much on the money what he's suggesting with the white on chrome , classy wheels make classy paint look good
got a contact number for them??
nah real veilside Andrew evo's , ok i'll cross them off my list then? the colour on that toysan looks alot like candy black/brown with a gold basecoat , it's a nice colour , but would look fairly average on an overcast day imo (i searched for the colour on google but couldn't find many pics) . I'm a spraypainter/panel beater by trade so i've played about with pearl a fair bit , the car is actually white with a pearl blue and mauve atm but looks pretty dirty/pearl fade funny story , i kinda got offered a set of weds kranze lxz at the same time as i bought the kf's , only reason i bought the kf's is because they were chrome instead of silver kranze iceekool: is that the same colour as on late model x-trails?
C33 Laurel Halfcut Left Overs
toffy replied to Nic_A31's topic in For Sale (Private Car Parts and Accessories)
not that badly (the guard), i could repair mine quite easily if someone else needs it real bad , let me know how you go with the bonnet release cable oh and could you post up a pic of the front bar? -
exactly!! , not sure about black pearl , it may make it look dirty? , i can't think of anything i've seen black pearl on so i'll be into the paint shop today to check it out wheels = win , colour = win but the colour won't give that super clean look :S pic of other wheels i was thinking of (but i like the weds better)
that kit would look alot better with the indicators back in the factory position
haha , i already have a kit though (final konexxion , ony one in aus?? ).... but wheels this is the same as the kit i have:
well to start off it'll be wearing the vs-kfs but that'll change because i want 18's all round , whatever the next set are , they'll be in chrome and dish for pose factor , i'm not a fan of glaringly bright colours and it must match the car imo , i reckon i'll even go out n buy some of the non-projector lights , i never liked them before but for some reason i'm really liking them atm , that colour on the porsche is nice but i'm pretty over silver/grey after owning a s2 r33 for like 3 years (in grey) , the purple of my other ceff is awesome in the sunlight but looks pretty average out of sunlight imo being the reason i'm not that keen on respraying another the same colour . the car that's sticking out to me the most atm is the pearl white one in the pics(pic attatched) and my own in the sunlight , ok to picture where i'm headed , think chrome dish, super low , fk kit , ultra clean style , i'm bored of the cable tied drift hack look chocky: there's a blue ceff that gets about my way in the same colour with some weird kit and std crv steelies, would look good with the right rims
hehe neither can i! i've got some pretty big plans rolling round in my head atm , hopefully it all goes to plan