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Everything posted by toffy

  1. i'm pretty sure you can sign a stat dec saying you(?) lost the transfer papers in transit , but alternatively , you only need the reciept of sale from the person you bought it off as far as i'm aware?
  2. it's a bn sports kit , cut specifically to suit the vehicle , so they're easy to identify
  3. still got the rear sway bar and front seats?
  4. oh dear , you better buy it before i do!!
  5. buying the same as the other person?
  6. yeah it'd be a good idea to sand and re-prime everything you've primed (acrylic?) primer is pourus so being in the rain etc = bad (i'm a spray painter by trade) , most 2k primers are ok though , actually if you can , use 2k primer . what ever you do , don't paint it matt/satin/chassis black , it will make painting it properly twice the work (that stuff isn't nice to face/rub) . as for the 5 stud , i'm using the jj front hubs and they seem to work fine (i've only done about 1000k's on them but 2 drift days of hitting ripple strips on full lock with modded knuckles they still seem fine ) . No love for the rb? imo you should aim higher for an engine transplant , google search vh41 or the vk series
  7. wow , i see them going for much less than that , the reason i still have mine is because i see them for under 10k with the same or similar mods
  8. ^ what he said , i've seen them make 200rwk on their limit though . if you want over that cheaply your best looking into a hypergear etc high flow or china cheapie
  9. i'll take the injectors if you'll post to 7010? , txt me on 0419 552 441. cheers
  10. why are you wrecking it? , complied shell? . what colour is the trim? cheers
  11. nice car! , they will be eligable for import in the not too distant future , in the pics they look massive
  12. my laurel , work is commencing on it very soon
  13. nice car man , the sideskirts look like autech ones btw and i think you should take the club s spoiler off the front and send it to me
  14. guy from tas would be nick summers??
  15. no worries mate
  16. were they the ones you were gunna swap me for the gtr rims damo? , i still have them in the back of my troopy waiting if you still want them
  17. bump for a cheap car , i've driven this guys , it's too cheap imo
  18. that looks like a massive difference when you see pictures of the whole car! . a mate of mine has this problem with his 32 (same subframe/suspension) , we changed heaps of stuff , we got it close(er) and just started using a small spacer (3mm for him , but it was 6 which looked about as bad as yours) . are you using subframe lock washer thingys? (pinapples?), loosen them and see if you can shift the subframe across at all (usually a sign of stuffed bushes) . new lca bushes and a good wheel alignment is about the most effective we found so far
  19. cheers shane & stuart (not a fan of evo sorry mate) , the c33 is 28kg heavier than a mate of mines r32 and with that extra weight over the rear i wouldv'e thought that was a good thing apart from take off (and theres no B pillar so the chassis may be weaker) . i've been doing a fair bit of research on what has what etc . the main advantage for the 33 is the different mounting points on the subframes (slightly different geometry) compared to r32 etc and the slightly extra width (which is probably offset by the extra length) the c33's problem will be the extra length without the width (but it can handle lower offset wheels that makes the track width about the same as r33. i'm probably just nit picking now though . i'm about to take the c33 out for a test day (along with a mates r32 and possibly a r33 , just to compare the three , i can bring back the times and post them up if anyone is interested?) i figure the best way to test all of them is by taking them out on the track on the same day and seeing what works for me best? do you guys have any suggestions on tyres? (will be using r33 gtr 17x9" rims) cheers
  20. haha , i only have cars to swap sorry . cheap car man , i would be the proud new owner if i had any $$ spare
  21. too cheap! put the price up , then it will sell . i didn't read your advert properly but i'm assuming no swaps?
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