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Everything posted by toffy

  1. hmmm , so the turbo is a trust td06 l2-20g copy right? , whats the response like? , i was planning on spilling out the big bucks for a genuine one but i might sit n watch how this thing goes first... Any plans on doing a trip to tassie with it?
  2. so you sold it then? , i thought you were keeping it?
  3. i suggest you do some more reading in this forum mate , before getting flamed. buuuuut , theres so many variables you cant really ask those questions. theres a general rule of thumb that stock internal rb25 don't like going too far past 300rwk and being reliable if thats what you wanted to know?
  4. hey nick , i've got all r33 stuff (from that r33 i bought off justin) , r33 rears are the same as r32 im pretty sure (might be slightly bigger?) , its mainly the front im worried about , i was told the way they bolt up are different (and the lines are slightly too short) and i'd need custom brake lines made up . i'm trying to get all the parts together before i start because its much nicer when you can just unbolt>bolt up . next is the rb25 , you got the lorrie up and running yet?
  5. my limiter is set at 8500rpm i wouldnt know what rpm im doing at 100 , just be thankful your speedo works , you said you had your speedo recalibrated? , what diff ratio? , rb20 box? , does it sound like its revving that high?
  6. hi guys , im just curious about what lengths you made your brake lines when you converted to 5 stud? , and what did you do with the h/brake cables? and is there anything else i may get stuck with? (r33 brakes onto cefiro, will (hopefully soon) have s14 hubs for the front) . cheers
  7. i'd take it ontop of the other stuff i said i'd take minus the stuff daisu wants , you still haven't got back to me on that other stuff btw!
  8. i modified my factory one to fit , was fairly easy, had to cut a tab or 2 off and cable tie it in spots
  9. pm simon_r32 guys , he can give you detailed info , actually im pretty sure he has a used one for sale (not a tweakit one) , its done sfa work
  10. thats nice , but why did you post it in this thread?
  11. i kinda like the front i think , the back doesnt look right though imo heres a few pics so im not just spamming threads , probably already on here but
  12. LOL!^^ ok i use both , i have a 'de-cat' pipe for track and a high flow cat for street . can you honestly tell me the average diffrence in emmisions between the pair? , i bet its not as bad as you think . Has anyone actually been fined using a 'de-cat pipe' on the street?
  13. sent you a pm ages ago , cant remember what i asked you for , are you selling the shell? how much with the dash pad front rear quater sunroof left in? or how much for the dash pad (inc the left vent) , rear bar reo, de cat pipe , steering wheel , gear knob , rear seats , h/brake cables from the brakes (if the other guy didnt need them) and tail shaft?(if its for rb25 box) edit: and diff? also the braded brakelines and front hubs for 5stud and speedo cable (i know some of the prices are up there ) . Theres heaps more stuff i need , i might haveto drag my ceff outta the shed tomorrow
  14. thats if the owner actually knows? , what if he doesn't know the extent of it? , ive heard of a certain importer in vic (cant name names) that somehow gets rubbish like this complied , poor bastard prolly had no idea?
  15. LOL^^ complied?
  16. and they tested your injector? , and there is current to the coilpack?
  17. haha im more confused now after pics than i was before . if the turbo has the gcg badge id be assuming its a r33 hi-flowed standard turbo , you need to take pics of the side of the injectors to see the colour of them and i always thought ems computers were 'stand alone'? (i.e not needing the factory ecu in the vehicle like you have pictured) can you take pictures of how the ems is wired?
  18. could be a crimp/break in your wiring harness . if its the light im thinking of , its exh temp (that sensor that plugs into your cat converter , look there
  19. you can swap between r32/a31 ecu . check your injector plugs? . can you describe the miss ( i.e all through the rev range / only at ile or under 2k / drops in and out )
  20. my setup is pretty basic atm , just some old crapy jic coilo's ( 8kgcm front 6kgcm rear springs ) , rack spacers , rear subframe metal bush thingys , lock bar , rear camber arms, new rear tie rod ends , castor rods and thats about all i can think of off the top of my head. wheel alignment: front: 2.5deg negative camber , 7 odd deg castor (could be 8 atm , iv'e changed it a bit) , 2mm toe out 80mm ride height rear: 1deg camber atm , 0 castor , 2mm toe out , variable between 80mm and 100mm ride height via spring preload
  21. $200 ono , no cat now , urgent sale guys
  22. haha , i can remember how i felt when i sold my first ceffy , so glad i bought another one , i would own more if my missuz would let me
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