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Everything posted by toffy

  1. let me know when its being parted, im waiting for your diff and oil cooler :sorcerer:
  2. just asking because i wanted to know
  3. haha its funny you say that, ive parked it in the yard 2 days in a row and had 3 people on it , ive just gotta sort its service out and i reckon itll be sold , its a shame, its grown on me
  4. pics :sorcerer:
  5. sounds like a blocked exhaust hmmmm, wel if my comp dont fix you car (ill find the leakdown tester too), then im going to steal your car for a couple of hours (could turn into days.... or weeks even ) and check it right out for you
  6. more pics will be up tomorrow, did i mention that ill trade?, is anyone interested in a trade?
  7. thanks . you should pass her the hose , its hours of fun . my boy likes to help(if you call it that)
  8. c4 can be arranged LOL, i have the number of the transport guy that passed it somewhere, but it sounds like that wont help much?, sounds like rego is hard to get over there . I gave you all the paperwork from when i had it complied didnt i? i didnt know about inark doing the gearbox swap , i thought it came from japan like it , i cant believe he put gloves under the pedal box . The wires twisted together was my fault sorry (was like it before), i forgot all about putting some clips on them , i can also remember asking a "reputable" mechanic if the gearbox mount would be ok , he told me that was fine were his exact words
  9. nice shine there mate, do your kids love windows like mine do? (ie putting finger prints on them )... this is what i get if i try to clean my cars
  10. well i actually asked the guy who passed it at our transport station if that car would be registerable in other states after being rego'd in tassie, he told me once the car was complied and registered it was passable in any state . Sorry to hear about your troubles, ill see if theres something i can do
  11. toffy

    R33 Forsale

    i wouldnt rush to swap it if i were you mate, itll cost you thousands . if i were you id wait till your 33 is sold,then get the herald, find the cheapest price on a typhoon in there(theres so many dealers over there they have specials on them all the time), tell tilford or jackson or where ever you want the typhoon from and get them to match/better the price ... if your gunna loose 4-5k of the sale price(of your 33 in a trade) your better off trying to sell it private for 1-2 or so thousand less . just read the evo9 bit , same rules apply
  12. cars bikes houses women, theyre all the same . can i call dibs on your diff master b?.... and brakes and turbo and
  13. its tidy, i dont like autech front bars though, it would look tuff with a uras etc kit
  14. what about the opposite side exhaust/inlet etc?
  15. one is 2deg retarded the other 1deg advanced, ill pull the cam cover (thingy) off and have a look which is which and let you know
  16. damn you can both buy my 33 , hasnt missed a beat
  17. yeah exactly, it was passed legally like any other 15yo import, it went to an ais station then over to the transport station that we have (i.e the government , where they tick off that its legal) then back to the ais for a final inspection. every single import in tas has been passed the same way and the guy who passed it from the government transpoert is the head honcho. so let me know if i can help
  18. dr drift came down for a week , i chucked some cam gears on it and a boost tee (and a z32 afm) so now it has full boost around 3-3500rpm ish, its still all or nothing. im now dicing up whether to put an ext gate or go for a hi flow like you have now (and some bigger injectors )
  19. yep, certainly am
  20. my only update to date is, i borrowed a box for the time being while i find another, got a slight remap so it makes heaps more midrange than before but its limited by stocko injectors
  21. hehe i learned to drive on that road
  22. oh yeah, so you bought it second hand then? cheers for that mate , i shall annoy them for some info
  23. haha funny you say that, theyre trying to clean the hq series up (have been for 2seasons just about), jeez we cop shit if we hit too hard . on that note ive raced beside every single hq out there without putting a mark on mine nor their car
  24. yeah thats where i work mate and yep i own a purple ceffy. if your talking about that white 4door nah that was a pig (imo),(sorry if the person is on here who bought it ). ill have better pics of every angle i can of the car by the end of the w/e(as long as it doesnt rain )
  25. mate i seriously doubt it would be your headgasket, honestly i think its something computer orientated because what you describe is a cold start issue, reset the computer once more then run another diagnostic . where did you get the central20 ecu from and how much btw mate?
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