ive owned both (in 4 door) so ill tell you what i thought were pro's and cons of each:
the 32: it feels very light and nimble, almost nervous to drive it felt suprisingly quick for a 2l, i felt the plastics inside were starting to show their age lookis a bit out dated also, having a bride seat in it on a modified s13 rail meant you sat very low in the car solving any height problem, but the window height felt awkward . all in all quite a smooth car, also quite smll in its dimensions , quite aggressive when pushed, id call it the animal of the 2
the 33: you can tell theyre much larger than r32's in all directions, although they may look lardish i can tell you now they handle very well and dont feel a smidgen over weight(quite tight and nimble actually) and quite forgiving for noobs who push them too hard, the interiour (s2) is very spacious (for an import) and everything is well made, to me the engine feels very linear, not what i expected from the big block rb(lol) probably decievingly fast but not aggressive like its little brother.
so if your looking for something aggresive, a little rough and rugged go the 32
if your after something more refined but still very nimble go the 33
my choice?.... neither, buy a cefiro, best of all worlds
hope that helps