Greetings fellow Skyline enthusiasts!
I am a new member here altho i have been browsing the forums for some time now. I am also a member of
Unfortunately i do not know too much about Skylines, so you will have to bear with me at times. Hope i can make a good positive contribution to this community
One of the main reasons i am here is because i am finally selling off my beloved s13 and upgrading to r34 GT-T Skyline (my dream car for some time now!). I am looking at buying one from an importer here on the Gold Coast but firstly i would like to get some feeback on a few queries of mine.
Firstly, how much is too much (in ur opinion)... regarding km's on a freshly imported 34?
Secondly, im not too fussed about Auto or Manual, but can anyone shed some light on the responsiveness and overall feel of the tiptronic gearbox?
and lastly, what things should i look out for when inspecting the car and should i take it to a mechanics first to get it all checked out and get some tests done?
Thanks guys, look forward to your feedback!