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Risking last won the day on November 17 2022

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About Risking

  • Birthday 26/11/1984

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    VY supercar
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  1. Brad,

    Tried to message you in relation to a dry sump. Do you have an email address i can contact you on?


    cheers shannon

  2. hey mate just an inquiry about the undercar surge tank you built, are you interested in making more? cheers Ethan

  3. In light of everything that has been happening pro fabrication as a whole will be changing hands this coming week with a new owner. The bussiness has grown to something I am unable to manage, fabricate, account keep, market etc etc so the time has come to do something about it and get it back on track. There is to be a new owner who has already employed a full time workshop manager and a 2nd fabricator. I will be staying on as a fabricator and this change will allow me to go back to the core of what I do best. Now part of this exchange involves squaring off all the outstanding issues that are surrounding the business. Be it self inflicted or externally influenced. I will make this very clear. Those who are unhappy email me your concerns and your proposed solution & between the new owner and myself we will be rectifying all concerns in the coming week or two one by one as a part of the bussiness sale agreement. Fatz your issue had nothing to do with profabrication it was a personal deal and will be sorted by myself. Nick your cylinder head I'm fairly sure was also a personal dealing?? Despite the issues as of late there is no denying by anyone that for years I have been supplying this community with quality cages and alloy work with far more happy customers than unhappy ones. I want to thank everyone who has ever supported me and the bussiness it has been a tremendous roller coaster and the new owner has more plans to further expand the bussiness. Hopefully in time people from this community realise this has been a tough time for myself and will be prepared to give us their work again knowing things are in control again. To this who have been extending the hated towards myself and the business I'd also like to thank you..... You've given me the drive to sell off the bussiness and change my lifestyle which needed to happen. I've been stressed for years over the workshop its had its ups and downs. Now my life can have some consistency and ill still be able to do what I love doing. The new owner of the bussiness at this stage is unknown to the SAU community but is certainly not a stranger to the performance car industry. For those wanting to contact the workshop there will be a new landline number in the coming week which lll be happy to notify people off. So that is the solution for the bussiness current issues and I'd ask those involved to be patient over the next week or so as we arrange refunds and deliveries etc. Brad Pro fabrication
  4. Calsonic your dealings were far from bad and I went above and behond to pick your car up and repair the mount.
  5. Right Frisky is my Ex wife, she has NO bussiness issues with me its all personal...... It's no secret we've had some time frame issues as of late and some miscommunication between customers because of various reasons I've been trying to work through these backlogs and keep everyone happy as well as try to continue on with my work. The reality is I am getting good quality work done and also getting through my backlog at the same time. I Am essentially a one man operation and when I had things going on the work load fell behind. I have not got 5 employees to help take up the slack unfortunatly if I have a human moment and need some time out everything suffers Financially the bussiness Is struggling a little due to alot of external influences and also some lack of attention on my behalf. I am working through this and slowly trying to get ontop of everything. In NO way is there any intention to rip anyone off or strip anyone of their hard earned money. Things like this do not help and make it even harder, for years I've helped and supported this community and at this time I do need a little slack cut so I can work through what's happening. Yes it's been slow and I'm apologising I can't fix everything overnight despite trying. Again there is no intention of ripping anyone off and after years of good service to this community I'd hope people would understand that's never my way of doing bussiness. Guys like John & others have been giving me the oppertunity to build their cars and they are still getting quality work for great prices. time frames are longer at the moment understandably due to the backlog and surrounding issues. For years I've supplied this community with knowledge, quality cage work, alloy work and all for prices that you won't normally get. If I turn around and close it all that's gone which benefits no one. The people who come to the workshop have seen how stressed Iam over all this and how hard im working to get infront again. There is only one way I'm trying to communicate issues this Being email as I've said many times before. I can be slow replying again I apologise for that but my days are only 24hrs long and I have mountains of things I'm trying to get through. I've only posted this in response to what's been going on and I won't be fronting it on here again. Is rather be posting photos of the quality work we do that people can benifit from as opposed to this but its nessisary at this time.
  6. There has been alot of things going on with the workshop recently and there has been some delays guys that I'm apologetic about. There has also been some massive changes made to retify what's been going on which is personal and won't be shared freely. I've been contacted by dan and a couple of others now via email and I appreciate the contact through that channel which is greatly preferred at this time. I must stress through the only email to contact me via is brad@profabrication.com.au The work quality I refuse to let slip away which is why the delays have occurred. With the time I've been putting into some other things some jobs have taken a bit of time to complete to the high standard I hold myself to and all I can do is apologise for that. Is rather be know at this time to be slow and have good work that be fast and produce rubbish quality which I feel would tarnish my reputation more than a time frame issue.
  7. Guys contact me via email please Brad@profabrication.com.au Please can you confirm this is the ONLY email you have any correspondence with. I have been having some personal problems that Iam working through & trying to keep things on track at the same time. There has been some delays which I'm apologetic for. I in now way have any intention of doing the wrong thing by anyone. I don't want this to be an open conversation. If anyone has concerns please email me and ill discuss the concern with you. Brad
  8. Personal issues is an understatement at the moment. The two cages you guys ordered are complete (photos have been seen) getting them sent off at a reasonable cost (considering I did free freight) and trying to get it into my spare time atm has been difficult. Next week is a new week and will see them in your hands.
  9. Tires are all allowcated at the beginning of the year with the REC agreement and fee. They say 3-320 per tire cause that's what the Dunlop guys are paying but the true cost for maingame is unknown. Dunlop guys get incentives with free tires if they commit to multiple rounds etc
  10. I buy the flanges out of the UK & always used stainless steel clamps. 3 &3.5 are the only sizes I've ever seen. I've tried finding 4 inch flanges in the past but came up dry every time.
  11. Good to see it coming along. The touring car guys used that wool test in years gone by as well.
  12. I wouldn't say I hate Mx5's Chris. I actually agree that they are a good little platform & an entertaining thing to watch. The modern sports could be a good category but they've prevented a lot of the prod sports homologated cars from competing. If you look at the rules it's more of a class within superTT rather than a whole new category. As for promoting the category I've done the same for potential MSC competitors that I did for the pulsar guys offering stupidly cheap cages for new cars and 2 of the 5 non Mazda entries were preped and built here for the category. I hope it goes far
  13. They are flavour of the month at the moment. I don't see the point of having an MX5 category when they all run in MSC as well. most of the superTT/mx5 field is Mazdas 8/10ths of the MSC field is Mazdas. A lot of those are the same entrants. Wakefield park have been trying to attract spectators back to their events for some time now. But really who wants to see two categories with the same cars going round just with a different category name.......
  14. Far from it.I built the S15 that finished 3rd overal yesterday We also did the Wakefield 300 in it as well. Fmic Exhaust Intake Haltech&data logger Brembo front brakes R33 rear brakes Couple of hard race adjustable arms MCA shocks and eibach springs Cage and safety equipment The car is capable of 65's but the owner was running in a new engine yesterday (during the 1 hour enduro) which was built just for the sake of having a fresh engine. Build cost would be around 20k including purchase price (car is on the wovr) Compared to his lotus exige that is being built for production sports the S15 is a bargain. 20k didn't even cover the transmission for the lotus.
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