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Everything posted by simark87

  1. Hi Guys I can't believe this thread keeps coming alive again! The support from SAU has just been amazing. Yeah the V2 has been growing in popularity and there is over 200 of them out there now! Actually, yesterday we sent a V2 to Montenegro near Serbia of all places! And we have even posted to Swaziland in Africa! I was think of retiring the Original but it keeps selling. We can do a SAU discount if not purchased on ebay because of the fees etc. But you can email us directly at enquiries@turbotechperformance.com.au or check us out directly at www.turbotechperformance.com.au maybe even follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Cheers Mark W
  2. Lol. Zing!! Well I'm glad to hear that teh V2 is doing its job and not the casue of your woes!! Cheers
  3. Yeah well I normally give a good discount for SAU but they are on special right now in our ebay store.. $45 delivered!! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220776081852&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT#ht_6386wt_1396 Cheers
  4. Hi Jarrod The V2 is great for around 8psi right up as high as you want to go. As good as the Original controller is the V2 is superior. It is all in the seat design and the specically imported ball which is not metal (which can chatter and even wear away at the seat over time) but is very hard with just a tiny bit of flexion so it seats snug all of the time. Over all the V2 is even better! Cheers Mark from Turbotech Performance
  5. Yeah the Turbotech Original can flow a low psi but the V2 controller can't really go much under 9-10psi. The 3 port solenoid option in conjunction witha t-pice and a manual gated controller is an easy set that works a treat on most systems. I can help there with a kit if need.. Mark
  6. Dude..no I didn't laugh coz you said not to but..you're right..that's shit :-) Reading that was like those 'starving in Africa' adds that make you take pitty! So here's my donation mate... If you like pm me your details and I'll send you a red hot V2 Boost Controller. Make sure teh system is sorted then hook up the V2. You'll be bale to run whatever psi you like rock solid.. In fact it holds 60psi rock steady under test and to be honest I havent even tried to find its max. it's all in teh desin of the seat and teh speciallly imported ball for the gate that seals solid. Normally gated controllors have a hard metal ball on a metal seat..the V2 has a metal seat but the special ball is not metal or ceramic. It is hard but has some flexion so it seals tight. It's freakin magic!! Cheers. Mark form Turbotech Performance
  7. We have wuite a few guys running 30-32psi on teh original controller but yeah teh new V2 isi far superior at high boost..In fact it holds 60psi rock steady under test and to be honest I havent even tried to find its max. it's all in teh desin of the seat and teh speciallly imported ball for the gate that seals solid. Normally gated controllors have a hard metal ball on a metal seat..teh V2 has a metal seat but teh special ball is not metal or ceramic. It is hard but has some flexion so it seals tight. Cheers. Mark form Turbotech Performance
  8. Man, how many times have I heard someone replacing a head gasket only for another failure!! Maybe the gasket was faulty but as so many above already stated, you really need to be sure of the cause if it's possble to track. good luck
  9. Well said.. China and some other Asian countries are now producing some of the highest quality products on the market (probably some of the dodgiest too hehe). The saying "you get what your pay for" is true the world over.
  10. This China talk is so interesting. Although there is some rubbish on ebay, there is also some quality available too. Just because its on ebay doesnt mean it is junk AND just because it doesn't have a big name brand stamped on it doesn't make it junk either. This reminds of a mate many years ago (maybe 20 or so) who worked for a brake pad manufacturing plant in Melbourne. I owned at the time a Toyota Hi Ace and complained about why new front pads at Toyota boxed pads were $100, Bendix $65 and no name wrapped from local parts store were only $35. He axplained: He would tell me how along each conyer belt would be 3 or 4 different packaging stations. Some would go into Toyota (for eg) boxes, some into Bendix boxes and some just into plain boxes or Repco boxes. Same pads. Different box = higher price. My point is, we make assumptions based who has (or can afford to create) a higher profile for a brand name without really knowing if the quality is the same, better or worse. Just take my boost controllers for example when I google turbotech boost controllers and do soem reading I am amazed at how many people say they have ditched other manual controllers from brand name companies to use mine. Yet, they have a higher profile, expensive websites, in autobarn catalogues etc and can afford to make sure that their webites are on front page of google searches! I manufacturer by hand myself, where do you think all those shiny ones come from?? China, Taiwan, Indonesia?? About China, they are renowned for manufacturing big brand name components (turbos included)then making huge amounts on the side to flood the market and show up on ebay. Are the knockoffs the same quality? Probably, why would they change it? I know an engineer that was manufacturing brake kits for older Holdens. He now has them made in China at the same quality but delivered back to him made in China for less than he can purchase the materials in Australia!! Sure China probably produces some crap (or even heaps of it), but so does Australia or any other country! But just because it is half or one third the price doesn't always mean it is junk..it might just be teh same unit I can't believe I just tyoped all that..haha
  11. Well that depends how big the dick is..or how small the shirt is Funny line though..I'll use that one!
  12. Good call Empire, heard good thjings about www.powertune.com.au
  13. Goof advice DVS32R.. It is amazing how many guys just set boost controllers with no gauge where ever they 'feel' or do upgrades and let rip.. Anything too from Skylines to turbo diesled hilux! Crazee!
  14. I'll 2nd that Gotta love the turbotech boost controller
  15. Always good idea to get a regular tune especially when installing new mods. Professionals can pick up on small issues before they nasty too..
  16. V2 #boostcontroller out now. Do your research then visit us soon! http://t.co/XfIMm4B via @Turbotechpsi

  17. Turbotech's new V2 finally finished. Aussie tough of course :)@driftworks

  18. Theres been a lot of cChinese Apexi knockofs lately and timers too...'been a few on ebay..
  19. Just how popular is the Jaycar EBC I wonder? Is it as good as some of the other 'áutobarn'brands?
  20. Final touches and compoenets today! All coming together. Post pics of new #boostcontroller soon. http://t.co/iuUVKer via @Turbotechpsi

  21. V2 Testing nice!! Holding a whopping 60 psi on bench. Who wants to test it :-) http://t.co/XfIMm4B via @Turbotechpsi

  22. i totlaly agree. I alwayss recommend splicing the controller in to give the pressure the shortest space to build to preven lag and spike. It would be interesting though to do some experiementation to find accurate data on what is really happening when the controller is installed in different locations ie distance etc like intsalling a manual controller in the cabin. It woudl be great to kow for sure how much an impact it makes.
  23. Yeah you're righ there but I ouldn't think that it would be a problem to link off a line that only the MAP feeds off as it is still a sealed line..its not like it has vent or valves out to anywhere..
  24. Like 89CAL siad, any source line from the plenum is fine as long as you are happy to take it from there andanything else plumbed intop the line is a sealed unit i.e not used for venting etc..
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