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R32 TT

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Everything posted by R32 TT

  1. I went googling to find out more about this and came across this pump which I haven't seen before.. apologies if this is old news, but has anyone used/seen one of these? http://www.bosch-motorsport.com/en-US/literature/en-US/B261205366-01_DataSheet_enUS_T7398978443.pdf
  2. Risking, Is have the sure tank anodized a solution to using the higher grade alloy? And how about the use of aluminium fuel line? Bad idea?
  3. Whoa ease up there partner.. Not saying the nismo won't do the numbers, just pointing out your example of a 25 degree bank doesn't make your point very well as it reduces the problem, doesnt make it worse now does it. Actually. Fill your bottle 1/4 full and swing it in a wide arc ( at the right speed) and it will sit on the bottom. Taking corners at Philip Island is a much better example. You er, drinking anything tonight Ash?
  4. haha! errr yeah... well when its 'banked' that much your fuel is kinda kept at the bottom of the tank isn't it? Perhaps not the best example..
  5. This is what I am going to use. An 'intank' pump of sorts but in a surge tank. Single pump only, (so hopefully reducing the possibility of one pump failure causing the other to run out of legs and lean the engine) Being submerged, I hope this will be a better environment for the pump, neater solution. (less connectors / lines etc) Includes the pre-filter. Additionally I'll run a speed controller for it, so at idle it will only tick over. Then run mid duty up until boost comes on at which point I'll run it flat chat. Hopefully this keeps the noise down, the heat down and extends the pump life.
  6. Another good resource for finding out about what is coming up / results etc is: www.clubracer.net.au And these guys often post the entry forms up too..
  7. Good Question. I've attached the entry form which also has the supp regs in it. You need to email/fax this in and would want to get it in pretty quick before spots fill up. There are 30 entries in the morning session and 30 in the arvo. (we go in the arvo normally) You'll need either a AASA Club Licence or a CAMS Level2s licence. Not much to either of them except filling out a form and paying money. They last for 12 months. The AASA is far easier and so I've linked to it below. Its about $50 bucks for the year. http://australianautosportalliance.com/aasa/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=29&Itemid=45 All you really need on the day is an appropriate helmet, long sleeves and long pants, closed shoes. You also are supposed to have a 1kg fire extinguisher in the car which is about the only 'hassle' you have to sort out once. Generally its easy to make a bracket that fits under the passenger seat rail bolts for example. Pretty easy. Once you have the licence and the helmet etc - you're pretty much good to go to enter lots of other events including No-Limits nights at Barbagallo and that sort of thing. Anything you need help with, feel free to PM me - I'd be glad to help. April 22nd 2012 Supp Regs and Entry1.pdf
  8. R32 TT


    Usually they are yes. But only for the morning, so best get there by 11:30am in case they close early on a slow day.
  9. R32 TT


    Probably a few places, but I know Go-gear in mt hawthorn do.
  10. Well can't argue with that. You have get that license, be great if you can make to the sprint though, love hearing that thing howl! This time I'm going to try get some decent videos and photos to post up
  11. Mate, you'll be doing No Limits on the 19th..! why go over the ssssame old corners at Barbagallo again.. mix it up! Not as fast, but more technical at RAC venue.. Yes Richard this is more you, though the Targa track layout is going to to be the one you want most I bet.
  12. About time!
  13. Hi guys and gals, Just letting you know, the 2nd Sprint Round for MC Motorsport is coming up. 22nd April. Hoping to see more Skylines out there! So far there are only 4 of us among the 60odd competitors.. If you would like to have a go, come along - you don't have to have race car spec. Bring your street car and have some fun. Here is the course we'll be running this time: 2011MCSprintMapNatone.pdf
  14. Ah crap! I just bought an Aeromotive pump... Why did you have to go and say that..?
  15. Great event as usual. Thanks for letting me co-pilot Richard. It was a blast! It still freaks me out that considering how fast we were going (we were not hanging around that's for sure) that some of those EVO's could be quicker. Challenging track! Well driven.
  16. +1. In fact just got a new full 4" system using Magnaflow's Troy. 6" body Cat as well. Worth thinking about - at least you know exactly what you're getting.
  17. I will have a Jack Daniels for you when you arrive.. You'll be thirsty after that drive.
  18. Well you've gotta pay the bills.. 22nd April is the 2nd Sprint mate - see if you can book it!
  19. Shotgun!
  20. Mate would be unreal to see yours back out there... See if you can make it. As it is I'll be pushing it myself. Car is in for full 4" exhaust at the moment, hope to have it back in time to tune And be ready!
  21. Haha.. Come on mate. Consider it a challenge. Conquer it!!
  22. Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know that the first round of MC Motorsport Sprint series is kicking off Sunday 25th March. Be good to see more Skylines out there giving the WRX and EVOs a bit more to think about.. This first one is the 'Western Range' layout, (Richard, Tricstar hates this one...!) You coming down Richard?? A course layout is attached! 2012MCSprintMapWesternRange.pdf
  23. And you said it wasn't using oil! Man, that's "using" oil.
  24. Mark, Another way to 'get into it' for Targa is to look at doing some Navigation. That way you can simultaneously build your more 'open class' machine now, drive it on the road, and as others have said - do hillclimbs, barbagallo, collie, the RAC Sprint Rounds (starting in late March) and so on. That way you get to have a blast now, have fun with mates and importantly get some track time. You will be amazed how much you learn - and that is not to say you are not a good driver now - you may have talent - but the track time will teach you more than you think. And while you're doing all that - sit in the passenger seat of a Targa car. You'll learn even more there. Its obviously much cheaper this way - but you'll still spend >$2k getting suit, helmet with intercom and all the other bits that go with it. I've done 3x Targa West, Wrest Point, High Country and Targa Tas. It is no exaggeration to say it is far beyond any of the events mentioned above and takes a lot of planning and car development. (and a bit of guts to sit there doing 200km/hr through bends amongst trees on damp road) Its awesome and I really encourage you to aim for it, but do a couple of years of varied motorsport first. (yes Dad...) And make sure its varied, don't just do Barbagallo for example, you need lots of different roads, speeds and corners. When you do come to do Targa in a couple of years, you'll want a purpose built car for the job - so I reckon go mad on this one and have fun in the meantime. If I can help with anything there let me know, I can put you in touch with Targa organisers who could possibly hook you up as a Nav.
  25. Wow. Did not even know about this. How long have they been around ?? Anyone using one?
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