Do any of the boost controllers allow you to set boost levels depending on RPM?
For example - supposing I want to limit boost to 1.2bar at 5000rpm and slowly ramp boost up to my maximum boost of (for arguments sake) 2bar at 8000rpm?
The reason I ask the question is that since boost is "resistance to airflow", as you go up the RPM range, the valves are only opening for much shorter periods, and so while you are reading say 1 bar at 6000rpm, you're probably only getting half the amount of air in as you are at 3000rpm when also running 1bar... ( is that theory right?)
So I was thinking that an engine under load 4000-5000rpm might not like 2bar being belted into it, (a bit like a shot of nitrous too early in the revs) but could well handle it up around 7000-8000 rpm?
If a boost controller is set at 1.5bar to "suit" the 4000-5000 rpm range, then am I getting less and less air into it at higher revs as the valves are opening and shutting faster and faster and hence building up back pressure? (ie reading same boost, but getting less air-flow?)