Well, I think the 'promise' is that the aftermarket damper (it is not actually a balancer lets remember) is to provide more/better damping that the original damper was designed for. Thats why you often see them rated via horsepower as this is some indication of the amount of 'twist' a crankshaft can experience on a modified engine.
I spoke to ATI at SEMA last year and they were adamant that if I was pushing 600+ hp then I should be using the larger 7" body rated to 1000hp. Now of course there is always the marketing side. ATI do hold some patents though and if you read them it sounds quite plausible about how it works and why it is better.
The problem any of us have is that it is not measureble (easily). You can see the results of a bigger turbo on Dyno, or a better radiator via the temp gauge etc.
When a damper throws a belt that was not being thrown before (all else being the same) then I wonder if the harmonics are not being dampened as well as they should be and the 'gauge' is the belt flying off ! (or the oil pump breaking etc)
To fit an idler pulley solves in part the 'symptom' of the belt coming off - but has it fixed the underlying, more important issue?
Hence I think a standard damper is probably a better option is cases where we just don't know. But - ATI are used on just about all NASCAR engines etc too... and I've seen charts of their harmonic damping actually tested. So!! I don't know.... : /