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About singh

  • Birthday 23/08/1985

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  • Location
    Perth, WA

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  • Car(s)
    S13 Silvia

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  1. Given the current market, you'd be lucky to get 12k..
  2. I got a 96 Daihatsu Charade, drinks bugger all fuel, cheap as dirt to maintain, and was so good I ended up buying another one for the wife! :lol: The car is so reliable, I haven't ever had a problem with it! In the wet also does great handbrake turns lol. Might sell it if price is right.
  3. 200kms is a LOT of difference lmao
  4. Sesar, pretty sure I said AFM first time you asked me about it. If that doesn't work might be worth seeing if the standard ECU will work? I'm back in Perth now, can help you out if you need.
  5. singh

    Ipad Use

    Oh man, what a waste - imagine the amount of porn that coulda been stored on that.
  6. Whether its vortex98, Ultimate98 or Peak98, its essentially same shit different bucket. Those who claim to have huge fuel efficiency discrepancies are mostly lying to themselves only because the chances that they drove the same places/distances/speed/foot down etc could not have been accurate. Most street cars 95ron is fine, the RON only matters when the car is of significant horsepower and in which case, they wouldn't be running average joe unleaded fuels anyway.
  7. singh

    Ahg Mc Day!

    SilviaWA is running a AHG MC Skidpan day on the 27th June 12pm (arvo sesh) Cost is $80 Plenty of spots available - please PM for details! Cheers Shaun
  8. kid taking pics he paniced when i took a pic of him
  9. Great cruise! Weather average at start, but definately got real nice later on in the day! Great turnout, loved the drive (although I was passenger - next time my car for sure!) Apart from the East Perth incident, Kerrys cooler pipe blowing and Matts R32 with loose wheel nuts? Was pretty good cruise! Loved the hills, I took a few snaps, will post up tomorrow whilst at work. Props to the organizers!
  10. Yeah, I was a couple cars behind you! I you get on brakes hard! Was going to pull up in front to see if everyone was ok, but saw blue flashing lights behind everyone, so thought to move along. Nice meeting some people last night - was good cruise from the only leg I stayed for (I think?)
  11. manual has less drivetrain loss than a auto, so manual would be expected to read more hp. once you get your pump sorted, car should be sweet to drive. take it to any other dyno and will most likely read higher.
  12. Either grind off few mm from the NISSAN logo on the calipers OR run 5-10mm spacers.
  13. For my brothers car.
  14. Second hand/cheap preferred. Cheers Shaun
  15. Still for sale, price edited due to miscommunication.
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