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The Wolf .

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    R33 GTS-T

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  1. Yeah im thinking its the power steering fluid also, havent had time to check up on it yet but i will ASAP.
  2. Hi guys, just wondering if anyone can help me with a noise thats just popped in my car that gives me the shivers every time i hear it. Two weekends ago i got the car lowered, new springs etc. One week later i get this terrible clicking/grinding sound coming from the front wheels whenever i give them a turn, its worse when the car is just turned on, and is standing still. After a bit of driving the noise settles down a bit but its still there. I dont think its the springs, its definatly not the rims rubbing on the guards. It seems to be coming from just inside the wheel area, im leaning more towards it having something to do with the power steering? But im not really sure. Anyone else had this problem or know what it might be? I havent been to a mechanic or anything to check on it just yet, but i will have too soon, its really quite terrible to hear. FYI the car is a 93 R33 GTS-T s1. Any help will be really appreciated.
  3. I dont mind the look of it, i agree it doesnt look like its predecessors but i still think it looks pretty cool.
  4. I personally dont think $400 a year is too bad. Im assuming most of us work here so $400 a year is like a weeks wage, i keep telling myself that and it doesnt sound too bad Also scathing that avatar is damn awesome!
  5. Yeah thats it Mr Fanny, the cycle air button. Couldnt think of its name.
  6. I had this problem, all i did was hit the button second from the right underneith the ON/OFF swtches of the A/C. It blocks off all incoming air, this should solve it me thinks.
  7. I had a 400r front bar on at one stage, car was stock height. Approximatly 13cm between frontbar and the ground, the rest of the car was slightly heigher.
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