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« R²» Raging Rebels www.r2clan.com are very pleased to announce we have our very own "RANKED" BF2 server. Thats right we have Official Trusted Ranked Server status now. Our new "Ranked" BF2 server will be up and running in the next couple of days. Its still undergoing setup and testing. Its a Windows based server "not Linux" is a 32 player server, will feature all 12 BF2 maps and did I say its Ranked. Hehe The server name "will" be www.r2clan.com if you just put r2clan in the filter you will see our servers listed. Currently www.r2clan.com is still the unranked BF2 server but this will change in the next couple of days. All are welcome to come and play on our "Ranked" server. See you on the Battlefield Soldier!
OK this is a world wide problem at the moment about ranked servers. Firstly all ranked servers are very laggy, secondly the ranking updates are very slow,not just for GA servers but all ranked servers, like next day if you are lucky. There is a major problem with the ranked servers at the moment. Stay tuned I will have more info about this as our own server is undergoing ranked status which if you are aware is extremely difficult to achieve but hopefully in 24hrs I can come back and confirm our R2 server will be one of the few in the world to achieve Official Trusted Ranked Server Status. I can't confirm this at this stage but we are suposed to be a ranked server. This has taken more effort than you can believe as clan servers are only supposed to be unranked and hopefully we will be one of the very few in the world to achieve official trusted ranked server status. I have a long 24hrs ahead of me which I'd rather be playing BF2 but it will be all worth it if we achieve ranked status. BTW all ranked servers are packed. It will be very hard getting onto "any' ranked server in the world atm. Good luck if you do get onto a ranked server, if you do stay on there because it will be hard getting back on. See you on the Battlefield soldier, I just hope you are on my team.... muhahahaaa Cheers
I'm getting my 2 copies tomorrow, damn I'm getting stung too at $89.95 for each copy getting 2, one for me and one for the Mrs. Yes thats right my wife is playing also watch out for her she is a sneaky bitch. hmm makes me wonder what else she gets up too. I had to still pre-order mine so I get the Logitech official BF2 headsets with each copy also. I would also like to announce that our clan « R²» Raging Rebels have just setup our own BF2 Retail conquest server. The server name is www.r2clan.com come and join us for a bit of fun. A further annoucement regarding this server will come soon! I hope I'll catch up with some of my fellow SAU buds, doesn't matter whether you are a noob or a gun BF2'er its all about us Aussie's having some fun and getting some!! Maybe we can pick up some potential BF2 recruits from SAU. We are after especially some more Aussie recruits as we want to enter a gun team in the GameArena BF2 ladder. We'll get our 2 copies tomorrow and will be spending some time testing our new server then I hope we can all get together for a game!! From what I hear from our US guys so far is the ranked servers are very laggy. It doesn't matter how your PC is or how its setup its got to do with the ranked servers. Watch out for a patch to fix this soon from EA. Glad to see we have some guys here from SAU going to play I hope to catch up with you guys soon, just make sure you are on my team or you will be in my sights muhahahaa. Cheers
Ok I've played the BF2 demo a fair bit now to get a good feel for it and have a few problems with it. Firstly being a heli whore from BFV and absolutely loving flying the helis, the BF2 heli's really suck. The problem is the rotate speed or lack of it. This presumably was done to satisfy all the whinging noobs in BFV from getting owned by us heli whores. Not my fault they didn't have any skill to fly a heli at all but it looks like they have won. The heli's are all about the co-pilot now, which I can live with as I'm a team player but what sucks is when you get a co-pilot thats not in your squad and just can't use the tv guided missiles. I steady up for them so they can aim at say a tank and I even say like TV now then they shoot off a few rounds with the cannon which does nothing to a tank. Arggh that annoys me. 2ndly is the relative ease to TeamKill (TK) someone. I'm not a TK'er unless someone does it to me on purpose, then I spawn and knife the idiot, but the accidental TK's are so easy to do. Spin a tank around and you TK someone, same doing it with a heli. These have all been accidents yet the guys that got tk'ed all chosen to tkpunish even after I say sorry like I always do. Get too many people tkpunishing you and you get banned from the server. This is going to be a major problem especially on ranked servers where friendly fire (FF) is on, same with TKpunish. I don't think I'll play commander on ranked servers unless my whole team are R2 guys otherwise on so many occasions I have warned of incoming artillery strike, yet some noob in an APC filled with noobs goes into that base as the arty hits then they all tkpunish you. grrrrr Like I said this will be a major problem. The other thing that has annoyed me is the rambo/lone soldiers out there. BF2 is a team game which means "all" should join or form a squad. Playing commander I had squad 1 with 6 people in it. Squad 2 had 1 person and the rest were all one man armies. No matter how many times I politely asked all these rambos to join or form a squad it didn't happen. Whilst squad 1 were excellent and followed all commands, you can't win a war with only 1 squad. Having said that Voice Over IP (VOIP) is excellent and really makes this game but its only good when everyone is in a squad. Its useless when a non squad member hops in as co-pilot in your heli. The heli pilot needs an ejetca-noob seat or should be able to block non squad members from getting into the co-pilot seat. Give it a month and just about everyone will be banned from Aussie servers because of the accidental tk'ing and resulting tkpunish. Only good thing will be if you haven't be banned it will be easier to get onto the limited number of ranked servers. Other than that BF2 is kickass!!! Cheers
Ok lots have had this problem with booting into the game then it drops you back to windows its mostly caused by 2 things A: your PC doesn't meet minimum specs, such as nghiagero Ti4200 is not supported.Topaz your FX5700 only just makes the grade but it is supported and B: its a vid card driver problem. Make sure you install Directx 9.0c that comes with the game (even if you already have it installed) and install the Nvidia 77.30 driver that comes with the game obviously for Nvidia cards only or download the 5.6 catalyst driver for ATI(there are some problems with this driver that ATI are aware of like the game freezing, texture corruption so keep a lookut for a new ATI driver) Topaz your PC makes the grade and it should run ok if you set the detail to 800x600 medium detail. Make sure you use the 77.30 driver that comes with the game, Nvidia haven't released this yet on their site. As for nghiagero your Ti4200 is not supported. However if you upgrade your vid card you will be fine to play the game but I'd make sure you have min 1 gig of ram, this game is very ram hungry otherwise your hard drive will make up the difference and it will lag the game. Until you upgrade your vid card you won't be able to play it. Cheers
Never heard of it LOL well go and download the demo and check it out. Here's a look at some screenies from the game I took last night doing a few parking stunts http://www.r2clan.com/modules.php?name=For...iewtopic&t=1083 56'ker warning these all full size pics. Cheers
EA has banned all the modded BF2 demo servers (any server with no time limit/unlocked weapons) By banned I mean they have removed all these servers from their master server list so they don't show up in the in-game server list but they still apparently appear in the ASE master server list. The 12min time limit for the demo sucks. I know its a demo and only supposed to give you a taste/tease until the retail version comes out and encourage you to buy it but 12mins is not long enough. EA originally said the multiplayer demo would have a 30min time limit. But of course some idiot in a suit changed this to only 12mins for the multiplayer game and only 10mins for the singleplayer. If they didn't want people to unlock the time limit and unlock the weapons then why make it so easy to do. To unlock the timelimit it only requires 1 keystroke to rem out the line using # infront of it. My 3yr old could do this. As for the unlocked weapons why then include the unlocked weapons in the demo at all so they can be unlocked. Thats just dumb. Also EA encourage modding of the BF games, even supply a mod creating editor with everygame and have even pre-released it before the retail version is shipped. They also hired the DC guys to help make BF2, its a contradiction. Cheers
Cool, good to know, I also play on those servers, I'll keep an eye out for you 'blakrok', R2HKS is my nick, when we catch up we should form a squad and go and get some. Maybe the rest of you guys who play should also put your nicks you use for this game in this thread so we know who is who and game on! See you on the battlefield soldier Cheers
Yeah we can do that no probs and its very funny hey when you drop a boat on someone, death by falling boat hehe. Have you downloaded and watched this stunt vid yet? http://r2clan.com/modules.php?name=...viewtopic&t=965 Then try and do some of those stunts. BTW the video was done using the patched retail version of the game, not any stunt mod at all. Check out the heli's that are floating in mid air and one of my favourites, the jeep sitting on top of the heli's, also the 2 heli's at the end that are merged together and the Mi8 that is sunken into the ground. Top vid and like I said "Aussie of course and the best BFV Stunt vid there is bar none, thats why is called The Ultimate BFV Stunt Vid" So when are you going to swing by www.r2clan.com and sign up, say hi in the Say Hi to Raging Rebels thread and come and have a game with us? Seen you soon mate! Cheers
BF2 is awesome, only thing I dislike or hate are the heli's compared to BFV they suck, put simply they don't rotate fast enough especially compared to BFV and you can't do the same manoveurs as a heli in BFV. Other than that, the rest of the game is awesome. Played some great games tonight on a pub server, it was the 1st time I had experienced the VOIP (voice over IP) This is by far one of the best features of this game. I was the Squad commader of Squad 3 and spoke directly to the commander. The 1st commander we had was excellent issuing commands for attack/defence which lead us to taking all the flags over easily and having the upper hand. The second commander, (sorry Mrs I have to say it) was another chick gamer hehe. I'm use to it because my Mrs plays all sorts of games including drifting in Need for Speed Underground 2, Battlefield Vietnam and now Battlefield 2, but it was cool to see another chick playing BF2 and not only that being the commander. She started off slow, but then she was issuing commands which again lead us to having all the flags and winning the game. VOIP adds so much more to this game, sure we all use Teamspeak but to be able to communicate with your squad and your squad commander is very cool. Its this aspect of the game that makes it radically different to any of the previous BF's. BF2 is about teamplay whereas the other BF's were basically a do as you please game which you can still do in BF2 but you won't get far as a team. Also unlike all the other BF's this is modern weapons. Weapons like surface to air heatseeking missles, heli's and planes have flares to counter these. Planes have heatseekers, the medic has a defribulator which you can kick start a wounded soldier and also use it to kill the enemy by shocking them etc etc Put simply this is the best online game that you will play at the moment and probably for a while to come. The netcode is excellent which means that you can easily play a game with over a 200 ping and its so smooth you'd swear you were playing it on a LAN. Just to make sure anyone thinking of playing/buying it here are the minimum specs including vid cards that are supported: Minimum Specification Machine: 1.7 Ghz CPU 512 Megabytes of RAM 128 MB video card (must support 1.4 shaders Video Cards Battlefield 2 only supports the following video cards: Radeon X700 (PCIe) Radeon X600 (PCIe) GeForce 6600 (PCIe) GeForce PCX 5900 (PCIe) GeForce 5800 Series (AGP) ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition ATI Radeon X800 PRO ATI Radeon 9800 Series ATI Radeon 9600 Series ATI Radeon 9550 (RV350LX) ATI Radeon 9500 / 9700 Series ATI Radeon 8500 Series ATI Radeon X300 Series NVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra NVidia GeForce 6800 GT NVidia GeForce 6800 NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Series NVidia GeForce FX 5900 Series NVidia GeForce FX 5700 Series I suggest a minimum of 1 gig of ram, 2 gig to get the best out of this game. A 256mb vid card like a 6600GT/6800GT a 3.0ghz cpu+ This game needs some grunt. Cheers
I pretty much answered about the snipers in the other post and also about the co-pilots. You will score better as a co-pilot in BF2 than as a heli pilot. If you are on the ball, have a good pilot, you can easily own any server being a co-pilot in a heli. Like I said we have all sorts in our clan, from ground pounders only, to kickass heli/plane pilots but we need more support roles like co-pilots. In BF2 now a heli pilot is only as good as the co-pilot is. Its a lot harder flying the heli's in BF2 compared to BFV as they just don't rotate fast enough in BF2, thats where the co-pilot comes in with the guns and tv guided missiles. So swing by www.r2clan.com sign up say hi and we will put you in with some good heli pilots, (scratches those ears, like myself) and go and get some. Cheers
OK this is what we are looking for guys with some skill. We can all do these stunts too. Inlcuding the apache jumping out, free falling then hopping back in and resuming flying. Go and check this stunt vid out done by another Aussie called Pulsar and edited by Ticklefist, this is the best and ultimate stunt vid I have seen and like I said done by Aussie's of course http://r2clan.com/modules.php?name=Forums&...viewtopic&t=965 The heli's are similar to DC in BF2, so you should be right to jump straight into one. The heli's though in BF2 are more about the co-pilots now, so don't worry if you can't fly a heli, find a good heli pilot and own all as a co-pilot. They now have kickass guns, and a TV guided missile weapons system. The heli's also have flares to counter the heatseekers from the planes and the ground-air ones as well which work well. No need to PM you just come to our clan site www.r2clan.com, sign up, say hi and come play some BF2 with us. Have you downloaded the demo yet? We have 2 BF2 servers currently and 3 on occassions so we are well equiped for BF2. We are always looking for new members with skill and those who have played BF 1942, DC, BFV are ahead of the rest. We are an International mutli-gaming clan as you see we kickass at Need for Speed Underground 2, play BFV, DC, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, will be playing Need for Speed Most wanted etc etc. We are especially looking for more Aussie's to join and the list is growing daily. Cheers
OK those 2 tracks were downhills, Powerline and City Lights, and if you can get half that score in any RWD car thats impressive. Its not that the RWD's don't whip out the tail well, they certainly do but its hard not to then smack the wall, cause they keep drifting but don't recover well. I originally wanted to use the AE86, the original drift weapon but soon realised to get the really big scores, that all RWD's in this game just don't cut it. I can get 600k+ on hillside manor in the GTO, but in the Lancer I can get 900k+ to show you the difference. The beauty of the AWD's is that they still hang the ass end out like a RWD but have the advantage of the front wheels pulling you out of the drift as well.
Yeah I have tried the sniper rifles in BF2 and even with the unlocked weapons (ask me how later) its a lot harder being a sniper in BF2. Unless you get a headshot, which is difficult it takes 2 to 3 shots to kill someone. Maybe its more realistic not sure but its definitely a lot harder. Cheers
Yeh I got mine from GameArena, a mate got his there too but his was corrupt. I think though it got corrupted from the huge demand, who knows. What did you think about the game? Cheers
The guys who made DC were employed by DICE to contribute to making BF2. If you like DC you will like BF2. The Graphics in BF2 are superb, check out the water it looks real, jump in a boat and check the wake out it looks real. Check out the detail of a soldier it looks awesome and so highly detailed. My only gripe so far are the heli's. They don't rotate faster enough, I know this was done to stop us heli whore's from BFV which is bad for us but I spose good for those we use to whore on the ground. Now the heli's are more about the co-pilot than the pilot, with the US apache having TV guided missiles, they are cool and we where whoring guys last night with the TV guided missiles. The Commander/Squad commander is also pretty cool, with the commander having satellite camera's which can zoom in on the battlefield to launch artillery strikes/guide the squad to attack/defend bases. They also have the drone spy planes as well. Sniper's will love it also with heaps of places to snipe from including a crane about 100ft off the ground you can almost snipe the whole map from up there. Even if you haven't played this style of game before, check the demo out, as long as your PC can handle it, like I said the graphics are superb. Just to talk the little off topic about NFSU2, good to see you driving the Monaro, off course we Aussie's know its a monaro and we have filled the yanks in where it came from. Unfortunately the rwd's aren't very good to drift in NFSU2, to get big scores. Good to see you don't drift a gay fwd golf like 99% on the net. I drift a Lancer EV0 8 and can match and beat golf's with it. I haven't played for ages but I am still up there on the World Records and have only done 3 tracks since they reset the records http://www.wrecord.com/records.php?type=6&...eam=all&car=all , http://www.wrecord.com/records.php?type=6&...eam=all&car=all As you can see in the cars they use like not many Golf's ahead of me and look how many are below LOL. Cheers
Battlefield 2 demo has just been released. Its extremely difficult to get at the moment due to the insane demand. I have never, ever, seen anything like the demand that this game is causing. If you are a member of GameArena, go there 1st. If not they have temporarily disabled new membership signups because of the immense demand. Gamespot has it also but good luck trying to get it from there as the servers are packed. Many, many places don't have it yet as they are not allowed to release it yet until 2pm tomorrow USA time. Here is the torrent for it, http://torrentspy.com/search.asp?mode=torr...tails&id=326061 (click dowload torrent) this has been checked, its the real deal. BTW you don't need a password to open it. If you don't know anything about torrents, download a torrent client like Azureus, then download java, then download that torrent link posted then double click the torrent file and it will start downloading. The download will start at slow speed, don't worry it will speed up. So far I have only played the Single Player part of the game. The game is a timed game and only lasts 10mins which sucks and I am about to start up a multiplayer server and try that aspect of it. Good luck getting it, its well worth it. See you on the battlefield soldier. Cheers
Just to confirm that Gamespot will get the BF2 demo 1st here it is from the horses mouth so to speak: Battlefield 2 demo debuting on GameSpot GameSpot will world premiere the demo for EA and DICE's much-anticipated military shooter. Although Battlefield 2 won't invade stores until June 21, PC gamers will get a chance to test-fire a demo of Electronic Arts' shooter sooner. EA confirmed today that it is planning to release a sample of Digital Illusions CE's forthcoming modern-combat shooter "very soon." When the Battlefield 2 demo is released, it will make its world premiere on GameSpot, and will be initially available not only to GameSpot registered users, but also to unregistered visitors as well. The Battlefield 2 demo premiere is a part of the buildup to the upcoming release of GameCenter. The GameCenter sneak peek release for GameSpot Complete subscribers is also forthcoming, and the full version of Battlefield 2 will be one of the top multiplayer games supported in GameSpot's upcoming premium gaming service. For more information on GameCenter, check out www.gamecenter.com. The demo will feature three variations of the Gulf of Oman map from Battlefield 2, which is set in a near-future conflict between three clashing powers: The United States, China, and the fictional Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC). The single-player, 16-player, and 32-player versions of the map included in the demo will pit the US against the MEC in time-limit-based combat. (China is not playable in the demo.) However, the demo will not include any additional maps or other features found in the retail version of Battlefield 2. Besides the Chinese forces, the full BF2 will feature 30 vehicles and 20 soldier kits from all three sides. It will also sport a total of 12 maps, each available for 16, 32, and 64 players. Online play will be enhanced with voice-over IP and persistent character scoring, while the new battlefield commander mode will give players a tactical edge on the, er, battlefield. Keep an eye out for this tomorrow is my mail. Cheers
Demo Update Thu 9 Jun 2005, 2:18 AM | Rico | 621 Comments It seems mass hysteria has broken out across a number of sites, forums and our IRC channel, with rumours coming from all directions that the demo could be released tonight. A fake demo is known to be circulating on the torrent system, so be wary of that as it is not Battlefield 2 related at all. The demo is 100% not out, and there has been no official announcement regarding it. In a video interview with EA's Scott Evans at E3, it was said that the demo would be released exclusively via Gamespot (most likely a 1 day exclusive). A news post on Boomtown (Danish) mentions that this will occur tonight in less than 2 hours, however, this seems highly unlikely and cannot be confirmed. Other sources claim a Friday the 10th release, so keep an eye out in the coming days. We are well aware of the confusion circulating and will keep you updated with information as and when we get it. You can always browse our forums to see what the latest gossip is but be careful in what you believe. Lastly, we will e-mail all registered forum members when it is released, so make sure you don't miss the biggest news of the year and register now! Update: The time has come and gone, and as expected no demo has been released as stated on Boomtown. An update on their site mentions though that Gamespot will have it exclusively 24 hours before its made public, whenever that may be. Keep an eye out at Gamespot tomorrow for the demo if this is true, or have your Xfire on as long as you have activated the demo fps channel it will auto-download soon as its available which "may" be 24hrs after Gamespot get it. Cheers
You know what, thats a bloody good question, why the hell do I stay with Bigpond? I'm still stuck in a damn gay contract, otherwise I'd be off with Internode in a flash. I can't understand why I get 17ms to Internode, get 34ms "sometimes" with bigpond depending on which server and how many are on. The ping can go from low 30's up to 100ms and no I'm on ADSL 1.5mbit down, 256k up for $100 per month with a so called unlimited download plan until you hit 10gig then I get capped to 64k. One advantage to bigpond is there content, I like my V8 supercars which I get with Bigpond as you can't see the press conferences anywhere other than bigpond. The last 3 months my bandwidth has gone through the roof with little to no downloads. I have just found out they reckon its cause when my PC is turned off the modem doesn't get the shutdown message and it keeps trying to send stuff to my PC ie using bandwidth. Last 3 months in a row I have hit the 10gig cap on the 25th of each month. Soon as my contract runs out I will seriously consider going elsewhere but may still keep a low cost plan to get the V8 supercar stuff. Cheers
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas PC Version!!!
R2HKS replied to ZigenGT's topic in PC & Games Discussion
Can anyone who has it tell us what its like? I am looking at getting this but atm am hooked on GTR and eagerly awaiting BF2. Still I may find time to sqeeze another game in. :uh-huh: Cheers -
I'm not sure about the 900deg support but what I do know is I rarely use any more than about 20deg in either direction, maybe 45deg max on hairpin turns. Too much lock in this game = you facing the other direction or understeering straight off the track. This game also comes with Motec Interpreter software and its the real deal from Motec.(however Motec say they don't support GTR but it works really well) If you have experience with this software, then you will love it for GTR and the amount of data it logs in aiding you to set your car up. About the only thing you can't look at is the ECU mixture map LOL because this is not changeable in the game. Cheers
That's great news about Internode getting the Official Trusted Ranked server status as well. Even though Telstra is my ISP, I get a far better ping to Internode, an awesome 17ms so I prefer to play on Internode for that reason.
Just wondering if any of you guys are going to be getting Battlefield 2. The demo is rumoured to be released on the 10th of June 2005 which would be the 11th for us. The game ships on the 21st June 2005 and the Australian release date is the 23rd of June. As a keen BFV'er I am eagerly awaiting this game, specially the new format using modern weapons, Commander and Squad commander mode, integrated ranking system which rewards team play like you get points for healing soldiers, repairing friendly vehicles, there is even Road kill stats for the number of times you mow someone down in a vehicle. There are 47 Leaderboards, so you could be the best in OZ or the world with a knife say or have the highest number of roadkills. etc. Heatseeking and laser guided weapons just to name a few. Battlefield 2 is trying to encourage more team play rather than in BFV, us heli whores going out on our own and racking up mega kills. For anyone interested in joining our team for BF2, we are always looking for new recruits who have got some skills. We will have our own BF2 server for practice matches, scrims, clan matches etc and just general mucking around on for a bit of fun. GameArena is at the moment the only Official Trusted Ranked Server in OZ, so if you want to move up the ranks to unlock special weapons for each class and unlock other aspects of the game this will be the place to play in Australia. For heaps of info about BF2 visit our clan site www.r2clan.com The Official Battlefield 2 site is http://www.eagames.com/official/battlefiel...ld2/us/home.jsp There you will find gameplay videos, heaps of info on BF2. If you get Xfire http://www.xfire.com/xf/index.php its a handy program to tell when your mates are playing a game, tells you what game and where and what server they are playing on and you can automatically join them using this program. Also if you want to get BF2 demo as soon as its released go to http://www.xfire.com/xf/modules.php?name=X...ody=xf_bf2_demo and click on the add demo fps channel, as soon as BF2 demo is released it will automatically start downloading it if your Xfire is running so make sure its turned on, on the 11th (for Australia) 10th for USA when its rumoured to be released. It will start downloading a BF2 vid, if you already have it just cancel it in the files area. My nick for Xfire is r2hks btw. See you on the battle field soldier! :sadam:
That sounds like a sweet setup indeed. Man that TrackIR would be handy for this game so you could look out each window to see where cars are when you a passing them. Nerds have the coolest toys