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Everything posted by Fastrotor

  1. This is still available to sell or SWAP ! Prefer to swap actually. Gary
  2. As someone mentioned previously, its too far away and im like the third owner at least. Nevermind , i don't mind doing the fix.... just wanted to know why it would only vent on startup
  3. I've got a turbosmart boost controller i'd like to sell ( came fitted on my recently purchased 4 door r33). It looks to be in near new condition. I had a look on the turbosmart site to find the part number, it is FG-GBCV-DS. Price drop to $120 . Free Overnight freight anywhere, just not to PO boxes. Gary 0417602311 [email protected] Pics avail, just tell me your email address.
  4. Just while were on the topic... i notice that when i start the car, i can see , and if the wind is blowing right , smell, fuel vapor. Its strange, it only happens when i first start the car, i can see alot of vapor coming out from around the fuel flap. Obviously it seems i'll have to do the putty fix also, thats no probs and great news.... but i was just wondering why it would only vent at startup..... anyone got any ideas ? Gary
  5. Hi im looking for some dead ignitors, as long as there physically intact. Must be dead, not wanting to buy good ones, before anyone asks. Don't throw them, send them to me ! anyway shoot me a PM. Gary
  6. Thanks Strutto. Yes i havent seen a single post on either skyline forum listing one for sale, and about 2 threads 4 years ago asking about it .... guess its not a priority for most..... but it would be a godsend for me doing the km's im doing lately.... can't afford to loose points ! plus fuel ecconomy will be better. Im really not keen to put an aftermarket on in..... if i can't find a factory one, i will just make an electronic one myself, using a throttle air bypass setup to control speed. Gary
  7. Guys, did the S1 R33 come with cruise control as an option ? I see mine has a spot on the manifold for a second cable to mount, so i assume it was an option. also is the wiring loom already built into the main loom etc ...... is a separate control module required ? Hoping someone has traveled this path previously..... I'd prefer the fit and finish of a factory one if possible. Gary
  8. i just drove 2500 kms in two non consecutive days, and on the trip down it was at 2kg/cm and then 1/4 into trip it is sitting on 1kg/cm ! I was also concerned having just got the car a week ago ! But it didn't bother it ..... on the 1250km trip home it never moved off 2kg/cm ...... so i assumed a intermittant sender or dash fault.... Glad to have this confirmed !! Gary
  9. I recently bought my R33 4door auto. Driving it 370 kms home it used 3/4 of a tank. i got abit of round town driving on the last 1/4 and fuel used was 430 km for 52 ltrs. i think thats 12.3 ish ltrs / 100 km .... also filled up this weekend, and absolutly babying it round and its done 55kms for 1/4 tank ! So onto dyno today to check it as i have to drive to brisbane tomorrow. Turned out it was cruising at 11.5:1 AFR !!! The Dynolog dyno can read the nissan codes directly, and the short and long term fuel trims were set max. So a new O2 sensor and voila, 14.5:1 afr cruise now. Hopefully i'll get over 500 kms to the tank now (close to 50 litrs as i fill just as the empty light comes on!) I'll post results next week. Oh car is stock save for a unshielded pod, and 3" dump and cat back. Cat is a highflow guts by the looks of it, but its a 2.5" in / out "REDBACK" cat .... compliance cat if im correct ???? Gary.
  10. Ahhh ok, i see it. Thanks for that. Feedback left ! Gary
  11. Mines here too. Shaun, it looks as if the end crimping is locking it in, as you can see the core slightly crushed at the ends... so yeah the welds and minor crush left will hold it if we cut it back. Gary Thanks heaps. PS Do you guys have a trader feedback section like we do on ausrotary ? If so where cause i can't find one for you.
  12. Mine hasn't arrived yet, but no surprise there being up in Townsville. What im wondering , from the guys who have theres , .......... Does it look like the curved ends holds the cat guts in........ ?? As i was going to chop the ends off as i wanted a true 4" to fit 4" piping.... Hope i still can ! Gary
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