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Everything posted by mad34

  1. silk road make them for skylines. i believe nengun and greenline sell them.
  2. ive had my hi boost setting on my boost controller set at 14.5 psi for the past month or so only running that pressure every now and then and it seems fine. but i suppose prolonged use (track use)at this boost level may blow it. My bro also had a brand new r34 turbo put on his s2 r33 he was running 16 psi everynow and then for a year or two and it never blew. he has since upgraded the turbo after it was taken off we carfeully inspected the turbo and it is still perfect to shaft play scoring broken bits etc. so i guess as long as you arent hammering your car all day everyday at 14-16psi the turbo will be ok for little bursts just to feel what a skyline would be like with a better turbo. before any of you get all excited and tell me that what i am saying is bullshit. let me tell you that what i have said is actually what i have experienced and am currently doing.
  3. i am a retailer and deal with this kind of stuff all the time. the law states that if the retailer doesnt supply the customer with exactly what they ordered (ie goods do not match description of what is written on your receipt) or goods are faulty you are entitled to a full refund. He is in the wrong. F**K him its not the money its the principle. go there remind of his obligations as a retailer and make him pay. go to the consumer affairs website or ring them and ask them to send you a info on refunds exchange etc and go in to his store with it.
  4. a few ppl have it working sydneykid. r34 standard coils are shit and have problems with heat etc. since getting splitfires i have had no issues that were coil related. And the blue emanage with eo1 ebc is relatively the same price as a pfc with boost control kit so what are you talking about?. with all harness' it does the same thing as a pfc. ultimate is a little more expensive though have you used an emanage yourself sydneykid????
  5. yeah i would go the blue version. it may not have as many so called "features". but the extra stuff it has i dont really use anyway. And as i have said the ultimate does not interface with multifunction display so if you want to monitior things you have to carry a lap top in the car. So i will be changing mine over on tuesday.
  6. i am using emanage ulitmate at the moment. i have had no problems with coils using 666DAN's zener diode trick. however the ultimate doesnt interface with the e01 ebc. so i am changing over to the blue emanage for that reason the e01 can basically do what the pfc handcontroller does. display data and enter changes. so satanic if you get an emanage id buy the blue one as you said you havent got an ebc yet so i f you get the e01 you will have as much flexibility as the pfc.. plus my emanage ultimate can be slightly unstable from time to time, but genrally it works ok. also if you havent already got them splitfires are a must if you have an r34 the standards coils suck ass.
  7. does anyone know where i can buy an after marker gear knob for my auto r34tt? any help will be muchly appreciated. thanks
  8. yes i have i used a kakimoto
  9. Perfect run has the best price and service and yes if its in stock you get it in a week. Big Thumbs up from me
  10. cat back r33 exhaust will fit an r34.
  11. yeah i know hope that doesn't happen, but i doubt it it worked on 666dan's car and mine for the last few weeks and my coils have been playing up for ages now before the ecu install. If it does blow em then i will be putting a manual trans in and getting a pfc.
  12. 1)the front bar needs to come off to ge to the two bolts underneath the light. 2)Once that is done their are about 5 bolts holding the light in. Unlbolt them disconnect all the electric cabling powering the headlights. 3)remove metal pins holing clear plastic cover on then use a hair dryer set on hot hold it 15cm away from plastic 4) slowly pull the light apart prying it carfeully with a spatula(same as one you would use when filling cracks before painting a wall) 5)clean clear plastic using brasso. rub on let it dry and polish. wash out iwth water 6)once it is apart clean out all the black silicon from the section where the plastic sits inside the black surround so when you glue it together again it bonds properly. 7)put small amount of windscreen silicon into area which you have cleaned out and put clear light cover back on push together and replace metal clips. i suggest letting it sit for as long as possible then puttig it back on say at least 6 hrs later. Hope that helps. it isnt really that hard just time consuming. please note. some r34 gtt's have had the oem xenon kit cut out of the bottom. if this is the case with yours make sure you cover the section that has been cut and glued back with the windscreen silicon and let dry. This can let moisture in and discolour the clear plastic.
  13. My Cars ignition still breaks up a little when its warm and when i have been driving it hard. My std coils are on their way out. so i ordered some splifires they have arrived i just have to fit them now. also i have got the pressure sensor harness going in so i can run more boost without upsetting the afm. that should all be done in the next few days. i will let you all know.
  14. blue and white badges usually come only on non turbo's. check the blue enigine plate thing on the firwall engine number should say rb25detxxxx if it was born a turbo. other engine number will be rb25dexxxx.
  15. mine sort of spluttered at standstill and misfired from 4-6k rpm everynow and then. I tried everything as i couldnt undertstand why it wasnt happeing all the time i thought if it was the coils it would happen all the time. i tried cleaning the afm re gappping plugs all the way down to 0.5 they were all temporary fixes. my coils finally melted. i melted 4 at the same. so all along it was my coils. Splitfires are the way to go no more splutering missing etc. they are very easy to change yourself. just take off the neo cover and the coil cover and remove bolts holding the coils in and swap em.
  16. nulon throttle body cleaner is really good it evaporates really quick.
  17. apprently they can handle up to 270rwkw then they spit it.
  18. do you have the combination meter cover thing athat has the threee gauges in it???
  19. i agree go splitfires. much less hastles i tried getting 2nd handys etc. it was too bloddy hard. changin them all the time. i just got my splitfires delivered today. i got them from perfectrun.com.au for 550 delivered. he got them to me in a 5 days.
  20. mine did it too. i had to take my light apart and clean the inside. It was ball breaking, but my car looks brand new now. well worth the hastled, just make sure you set a whole day aside. i unbolted the light. and separated the clear plastic from the rest of the light assembly using a hairdryer. cleaned the inside of the plastic using brasso (which works Shmiko by the way even on the outside). Then resealed it using windscreen silicon just incase i ever have to do it again.
  21. the coils in r34 suck ass. when you replace that one, in a couple of months another will go and it keeps happening. i got sick of it and had to get splitfires. i know its probably $520 you want ot spend right now, but i will save anguish in the future. its not a hard job testing and changing the coils, but tedious and the 2nd or 3rd time you do it it drives you nuts well it drove me nuts anyway.
  22. where did you get them from thirty four?
  23. do you have the power window switch still on the door trims?? and is it series 1 or series2
  24. yeah satanic racing rims (SRR) hahahaha. Starcorp sounds cheapo though you have to admit.
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