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Everything posted by leetom

  1. hope the ex 14.7psi reads this and i'm sure he will(d/head), congrats on the sale i,m sure you going to miss it, will be able to follow it,s exploits on the stagea forum.
  2. my s1 rs4v has lsd
  3. is your car an s1 auto, if it is,as no nistune, check boostcruising and sau classifieds for turbo (get your hi-flow checked as gcg is a great budget alternative), i would be thinking twice about getting rid of the ces dump as they are the best in the business,as far as the o2 sensor fouling a mounting bolt that does'nt seem right( are you sure it,s ces,. ces systems are stamped) ces rb25 front/dump have there 02 sensor underneath the dump and not next to turbo( not sure if older versions are any different, if not sure about dump pipe ring trevor at ces. goodluck.
  4. see photo in todays goldcoast bulletin(check there web site), guys lucky to walk away, looks to have wrecked a nice looking 33 (i think) if your on here mate hope your ok and insured.
  5. front of s1 s2,s look much tougher without unicorns, my badge is mounted above the work bench(no not the bed)
  6. ok, yellow & black is always a good mix, now get a tin of nightshade and a light spray on front & side indicators,(back if your game, go on i dare you) a bit of a polish & stealthy stagea
  7. pivot speedmeter, available in aus approx $200 or buy from singapore or malayasia for a lot less (or they were before the ass fell out of the $)
  8. jesus h christ you better post up a video of that just to prove your not having a lend of us, ps start a new thread and tell us how a adaptronic runs your auto and post photos in photos thread, by the way welcome to the club.
  9. easy don't just drive the midlands(to straight) why not meet up the lakes, good drive for for boags boys just the same for cascade boys.
  10. welcome mate, like the boy's have said search any topic on stageas and you will find it's been covered to death, forget about your nav system, synchro mode when on transfers 50% of drive to front and rear wheels for whipping v8's at lights when off the road and drive conditions are detected by various sensors and the front wheel drive force will change from a 0:100 ratio(rear weheel drive) to 50:50 (4wd) depending on conditions.....no 4 wheel steering, and your a bit unlucky with the turbo (gcg hi-low unless you can afford a t/kit) what happenned there up the boost to much ? goodluck.
  11. wll done pal smart look'in 260 hope you get lot's of enjoyment out of it, and by the way nothing at all wrong with s1's a lot of people prefer the look of s1's over s2's have fun.
  12. not trying to psych you out or anything phil cause i know you got some goodies, but i can understand your a leetle bit jumpy i assume the s15 is a manual maybe he'll stall it , and by the way i hope your daughter is going to tape it cause if i cant see it live i want to see it posted
  13. hey phil i hope you keep the stagea flag flying, if things fall in to place i'll be there....................hope your mates s15 is pretty std cause if it's warmed up you will want to be on the ball goodluck.
  14. that's easy, it's myles rwd (greenghost), wtf were you guys doing hang'in around that industrial estate on the goldcoast, i thought you buys were up at noosa giv'en up your vir ginity
  15. hey you showoff where you been i don't think you been spotted round here before, sweet cars , whats the story?? ps lowered with eyelids= filth
  16. been checking out some photography forums and thought i might try and get a bit creative (maybe new camera maybe new cameraman )
  17. leetom


    From the album: stagea pics

  18. leetom


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  19. leetom


    From the album: stagea pics

  20. leetom


    From the album: stagea pics

  21. leetom


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  22. leetom


    From the album: stagea pics

  23. leetom


    From the album: stagea pics

  24. leetom


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  25. leetom


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