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Everything posted by wishaw

  1. Even if you don't get the money back $200 is a small price to pay. If you were to get the car and then set to work fixing all the problems you would surely find alot more problems. My house mate got a rx3 and has set about rebuilding it. So far he has spent more times fixing issues that where not detectable untill he started fix the original issues. Also rust is like cancer. It spreads, you can never be sure you got rid of all of it and it will kill your car.
  2. Hey if they want to pick on anyone who drives a nice car it is only fair we fight back
  3. so if it was a terrorist acting like a police officer and they blew up parliment house with that ammonium nitrate what would you be saying then? "At least the truck driver bent over and took it like he was expected to" If you were transporting a truck full of explosives and a cop refused to show id what would you do?
  4. well if they cops stoped the trivial stuff like minor speeding, changing lanes or exiting round abouts without indicating there would be less to make trivial complaints about.
  5. if you want genuine complints then you should be required to leave your name and licence number. If they don't match then the complint is ignored. Thats how it works with the smoky vehicles hotline in QLD. If your not willing to take ownership of your complint then it's not woth complaining about.
  6. oh i was talking about the $30 autobarn ones.
  7. just a little note on the cheap panlrs and pods. THey are very cheap in the design. Parts falling off or being sucked into the engine.
  8. i understand your point browny. It probably was a bit excessive but if cops cut off pedestrians then tell them to f*** off when they are pulled up on it that should not be allowed. There needs to be some sort of common ground and a place that we can complin to without either being ignored or a national investigation starting.
  9. well then it sounds like it could be your battery or your altenator. Get a trusty multimetre and check the voltage across the termainals when running with no acc's on the turn onlights etc. You should still have a voltage above 13v. If you don't then try reading the voltage as someone starts the car for you. If it drops below 8v then you most likely have a shagged battery. If the voltage doesn't drop heaps then it is most likely a problem with the altenator. Either way you should get is tested by some battery people. Another thing that can't hurt is some extra grounding wires near the injectors + spark plugs + coils. Get some decent 4 gauge audio cable and gold conectors and run them either to a quality grounding point on the body of your car or to a single point then run a wire from there to the battery. This should help to eliminate and voltage drop caused by bad grounding and could be a temp fix untill you find the problem.
  10. Sounds like you need to find a longer way to work. Have you guys had a lok in the car manual (if you got it) I have had a look through a few differnt cars manauals and they all say the best way to get the car up to temp is to drive it normally. They also say that excessive idling with kill your cat(if you have one).
  11. if they got away with doing 170 on a public raod that should have been fired. If you want to see how fast a car can you you go to a track. I don't care how good a driver sombody is 170 is 170 and in most cases that is 70 too fast. For little things like not indicating or giving way to pedestrians i can tolerate but reckless endagerment of other peoples lives should be met with a hell of alot more then "are you sure you could only go that fast?" If the cops what to break the law then they should do it with their flashys on and write a publily available report onto the situation. They are after all our emplyees (taxes). Also there was a reply further up and groups like the CJC who monitor the cops. But the only times they really work is when there is a massive internal drug bust. They seem to only put cops away not issue fines.
  12. I know a couple of times when dad has gotten an escort by the cops when he was rushing to hospital to work with Dr Victor Chang on emergency open heart surgery. The funny thing was that he was in overalls covered in paint at the time. The cop started off suspicious but that all cahnged when the story was confirmed. Sure thats a bit of an extreme example but it came straight from the source.
  13. but a piston has a power stroke every 2 complete revolutions therefore a 13b = 12 cylinders and 20b = 18 cylinder and 26b = 24 cylinder.
  14. if there is a decent reason for breaking the laws us lowly mortals need to obay that is fine but we should be able to pull them up if there is no obvius reason. They would do the excat same for us.
  15. I think we can all agree that they abuse their powers. They might be able to get away with somethings as browny pointed out but they shouldn't. If murder was leagal does that make it ok to kill someone? No. If we obay htey rules so should they. They are not above us they simply do a differnt job.
  16. np. Having a house mate with a rotor you learn alot.
  17. Are you running an a/m ecu? Your car shouldn't really die if you put your foot down when it is cold. If you have done any engine mods then warming it up at least a little bit would be a good idea. But the best way to warm up your car is to baby it on the streets.
  18. the main reason why rotoarys got a bad reputation of reliability is because thed mazda service folks would replace the whole engine instead of replacing the broken part. My house mate has a mazda RX3 which still running and has never needed a rebuild. The other reason that the have an unreliable name is that they can very easily run hundreds of KW's and like any engine need to be very well built to witstand the force. A dodgy 6 will still die as 500kw if it is dodgy. In their stock condition they can be fairly efficant and the RX8 is one of the cleanest cars for emissions. The old ones aren't because they are before the times off emmision control and therfore no cat etc. The engine is very small and very simple (only 3 moving parts). Because if goes around and around instead of up and down they can rev much higher then a piston engine up around 12000rpm if you really want to. They are great for turbo's as the engine moves alot of air. This allows for monster turbos on a 1.3L engine. Overall they are a great engine to work with as long as you have apassion for them and you know what you are doing with them. Igonr: Each rotor will have 3 power "strokes" per revolution. The 10a, 12a and 13b have 2 rotors so that is 6 power "strokes" per revolution of the engine. A piston has one power stroke every 2 revolutions. Therefore a 12 cylinder piston engine will have the same number of power strokes as a 2 rotor engine. If you move to the 20b (3 rotors) or 26b (4 rotors) then your going to have more power then you know what to do with.
  19. Personally i think the cops should be setting a good example. I have been told by a QT employee that they have faild a kid going for his learners after his dad (a cop) taught him everything he knew. The cop then argued with the QT employee. So really the cops are no better then us. I don't see why they should be above the law. I know that they think they are and that everybody with a nice car is on the way to do some illegal street racing but somethimes the cops are wrong and i wish we could point it out.
  20. most oil lights weill stay on for a few seconds. AS long as it turns off and stays off then you should be fine. Aslong as you check you fluids regularly (AS WE ALL MUST) there will be no problem.
  21. you only really need enough time for everything to be covered in oil. 30sec to a min should be plenty of time. Idling might help with lubing up the engine but the cat doesn't like it and will kill it faster. Correct me if i am wrong but after everything is covered in oil the only problem is parts heating up (expanding) at differnt rates. So if you wait untill the water is up to temp then the whole block should be nice and warm due to the hot radiator fluid running through everywhere. So once your water temp is up you should be right to have some fun. Aslong as you don't thrash it for the first few minutes it will be fine.
  22. i know it's not quite what you were after but what fluid are you using?
  23. A friend of my had problems with the colis in his getz (not a skyline but still has spark plugs). They were leaking bad (big sparks from the coils at night). He took it to the dealer and they were able to read the voltage off each coil. But if you want to replace one coil pack you might aswell do all of them otherwise the problem will repeat itself down the track. So as sumo said check out that other thread
  24. good point about about the stickers
  25. most alarms will stop an amature thief. If you want to deter the pros aswell you need to look into gps tacking and data dots. If the car is easily identifiable even in parts it will make it harder to get rid of. Any alarm with rolling codes and multipoint immobilisation should work very well. Just make sure you make the system obvious ie armed LED, arming chirps (for ppl watching) and the alarm stickers. Hopefully that should make most people think twice. An abstract plan is to add to your alarm system with internal screamers and powerful strobes to make and rewiring difficult if not impossible.
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