dragger quicker than carlos's supra? u seen/heard the development they've done on carlos's car? they've been using motion sensors for data logging on the farking suspension! once it run's an 8, carlos is ditching it and starting with a fresh shell (carbon fibre at that), and running a titan 3.4ltr
P.S you didnt hear that from me
this guy above here wont let me bang his missus, and thats the reason he's jealous caus she (his missus) really dig's me and he's cut so he calls me gay
hi fella whoreses who live in ACT
who else doesnt have a whoretown? also i've bene noticing that qld whore are usually the ones in the top 10 posters alot of the time!
got jailbait?
and the other guy (who ate 4 plates of chilli) name is ben (u can tell him caus he's the big goofy lookin one, that wears glasses and only owns 1 pair of shoes, which are pink )
twas a good nite, as always
by playing i meant fondling and little boys i meant preschoolers ...so marc, hows them plans of becomming a priest looking
so no ride in teh cressidahini?
ohwell, looks like u wont be blessed with my presence tonite
there's no place for that call marcy boy, nice try though
karen's had her own cabana boy for ages now noel