totally agree karen. personally i dont like the way the twins grab, they are harsh and i can just imagine what they are doing to the gearbox
and to think i got into shit for expressing my opinion.
one reason major clutch making companies (i.e os, orc, hks, exceedy, nismo) use more plates is to obtain a higher HP capable clutch, whereas say a well built single (jim berry) only needs one plate as the design of the springs & tabs etc are of such high quality it only needs the single plate. so inother words, the 'major' companies clutch designs are rather shit compared to one from jim. he also doesnt just do singles, he also makes twins (imported from europe) and he modify's the regular twins so they actually work properly. also one very fine example of how capable his clutch is, TWOOGLE (the 32 gtr drag car owned by dirtgarage off here) use to run on one of jims, 2 full years of racing with 440awkw and not one problem.
who would u rather trust and believe, a guy who'se been in the industry for 27 yrs and does solely clutches, or a major company that churns out 1000's of clutches off an assembly line for the domestic market.