the last minute posting worked a treat aron! spontaneous cruises usually turn out pretty well, was just good to hang with some great peeps
now to organise another one for this weekend (no im not putting my hand up)
id come for a hit dave, but i dont think the shoulder would appreciate it, i think it needs another reconstruction im going to dummy fit the engine in a few mins pics will follow
tell me when to laugh....
read above bish
yeahh he was going to get ass raped by them lovely coppers he was
P.S gotta say thanks to the gtr who nicely opened his screamer pipe right be side us last nite! boy oh boy was it nice
no excuse bryn, softcork
you also need to lose a few hundred kilo's
schweeeet my gtr could well be running by then
P.S heist, u also have a skyline that's an AUTO