go a pearl of some sort. also, do the engine bay the same colour as u do the exterior, and then paint the engine covers a different colour to the rest to make it stand out
my car:
caus im at work? nah it gives me the shits when im at work, caus when someones talks to me, it pops up orange on the task bar and dont go away, and that then hides buttons n stuff when im working
hey isaac, i'm tempted to run with col's idea for autosalon. tow my car, and have the engine sitting on an engine stand beside the car
haha bryn u'd normally have another 4 hrs sleeping left to do
did u have a BIG syringe with it full of the stuff, and a button u could press at will, but it was on a timer so u ddint overdose?
caus that's what i had when i had my shoulder done, and apendixs done