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Everything posted by shanef

  1. i'd offer, but seeing as though u cant drive lee, i guess u'll have to do it urself
  2. u certainly do need to remove the cams to get the lifters out. so basically you remove the cams, grab a magnet and then using the magnet the lifters will just slide on out another suggestion. have you done ur timing belt yet? caus this would be an excellent time to change it!
  3. yep i know its jut to be used as a base, but all the times i've used it has been on 'fresh' cars i dont know how people like urself can do that, i mean a 40hr week is bad enough and u woulda had heaps of responsabilities! from my experience (albeit of only a few years) it seems that most job decisions are money driven ahhh k, thought it was just that 1 yr thing...plus the change of scenery could help alot with the new job, kind of like a new start?
  4. andy, if the difference in sallary is of a relative size compared to the extra amount u will be putting in, then i'd say yeah go for it...but weren't u and anna looking to move down to NSW in a year or so? that could influence ur decision also as it wouldnt seem logical to start a new, more demanding job to pack up and leave 12 months down the track
  5. ahh k daniel, good luck with the race tonite
  6. i use a combo of johnsons & johnsons baby shampoo (yes, u heard correct), meguiars (polish n paint cleaner), autoglym (synthetic wax) & turtlewax (carnuaba wax) thats it, if the paint on ur car looks great, then theres no reason to change hey
  7. what car products do u use karen?
  8. yep they certainly are, and the back is usually shot too...i wouldnt even think of using a power buff! as they just put swirls in and can even scratch the paint if ur not careful! (when waxing/polishing u should NEVER work in a circular motion, that only puts swirls in it)
  9. well he didnt say his legs are sore or anything like that *shrugs* flat out for both days lol...but that does include wash, coat of paint cleaner, coat of polish, coat of synthetic wax & a coat of natural wax
  10. i bet ur not as fussy as i am...it takes me 2 whole days to wash n wax my car
  11. Yep, remove them nice and careful, caus it's not a nice sound when u hear one go 'crack' P.S andy (bunta on these forums) may have a complete RB25 for sale, chuck him a PM and ask
  12. yep, thought u wouldnt be working and what have YOU been upto? is ur bitch (marc) going to be the one doing that? i can see him doing it hehe u know what u shoulda done, just walk out without paying
  13. she could be 'working' but that's highly unlikely
  14. i assume ur a big rib fan lee? i love ribs, but they are such a pain in the ass to eat with a knife and fork...so if i get them, don't be too worried if i go hands on!
  15. mornin anna-bananna ...u good for lunch today? or u still feelin a bit under the weather? i say we dont go back to sizzler unles they give us a table booking hows the car karen, all fixed and looking even more sexy now?
  16. u guys been to the Jazzbar in toowong, the one that u get this extremely hot piece of marble (or what ever it is), a raw piece of meat and u cook it urself? my god its fantastic!
  17. haha sick...so that means next week's chilleh is at your place? awesome i'll make sure i clear my diary for that!
  18. well there u go, it doesnt pay to be different...still it woulda been better than something cooked at home yeah?
  19. hiya karen how was dinner last nite? turns out i coulda came as my mate decided he didnt want to turn up
  20. nyways bed time for me nitey nite dazzy poo
  21. darren u tool sif create a new account and come i here and speak rubbish
  22. haha yeah i got yas mixed up again whats going with the mustard? and lamington's FTW!!!
  23. lol sorry man, i always seem to do that for some reason! have they got much work done to them?
  24. yep, the full monty...5puck carbotics (how ever u spell it) 3600lb pressure plate it'll definately hold the power ill have now, but it'll be pushed when i get the new turbos have u meet them bryn?
  25. yepo hometime indeed, catcha
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