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About OptiC

  • Birthday 08/05/1983

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    S1 Stagea

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  1. Had my M35 2 weeks now and the horrible orange clearance lights were bugging me each time I saw them. Looked on the the net but could not find the bulb type so decided to wing it. For those wondering it's a T10 bulb in there. 25 minutes of work to swap out both and only a flat head screw driver and Philips required (once wheel is removed) Loads better now!
  2. For the love of god, please say you made it a user setting. I've logged in here after awhile away coz I'm buying a new stag and that thing is as annoying the mosquito you can't find at 2am...
  3. Hey All, Got 2 sets of C34 S2 tail lights in good condition, ordered them from Japan years ago for my C34 but sold it before I fitted the 1 set I was going to use. Figured better to sell them here than gumtree and all those other places. Lights are complete though might need some globes. $300 a full set (inc garnish etc) Based in WA but can ship and buyers expense.
  4. Hey Guys, Firstly, YES I've used the search function. Before I do a call around in WA tomorrow, is there anyone that has had a tow bar manufactured for a M35 over this way? Looking to pick up another stag in a few weeks but need to be able to get my bikes around on a trailer. Thanks!
  5. You asked about shipping cost that's 1k But yeah fair bit under the 6k mark landed in Perth for everything I wanted. I've been to Japan a few times myself and been drifting over there so have learnt enough to get things back.
  6. About 1k for the half cut and other bits I want from it. Still cheaper to buy the entire car, cut it up and send it back and the MASA kit shipped direct from the supplier. Plus as a bonus I get manual conversion extra glass and some S2 tail lights.
  7. Stag reached the shipping yards in Japan today and will be cut up and thrown into the next available container for Perth. This is what my new front end will look like once it hits Perth http://auctions.c.yimg.jp/img323.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/6/2/6/2/takana172002-img600x480-1354430006dw1lh859716.jpg
  8. Depending on how soon you want it fixed mate, I’ll be pulling my auto out for a manual conversion in about 2 months. The auto is sweet and has been sent to SA and back to be shift kitted as the S1 stags were a bit average from standard. Can have it for say $500 which is pretty much the price of the kit + shipping alone.
  9. Keen to head along, whats the FB page for it?
  10. Here's an edit of some of the drifting I was doing in Japan late last year. If you ever get a chance to head across to a drift event DO IT. I'll be heading back there late this year or some time next year to do it all again.
  11. Yeah mate sure did, the're copies but awesome quality for the price! Not sure on the center hub size, never really have either as studs to the job. 18x 9.5 +30 http://sphotos-h.ak....341405677_n.jpg
  12. Yeah mate, just got my new rims fitted so have stock stag rims with tyres sitting at home. Shoot me a message on call on zero four 04 380 960
  13. Yeah mate, I started the training at the track a few years ago and still hang around to help out now. I don't drift in Australia myself anymore and tend to leave that to trips to Japan. Get it all setup and come out for a play as soon as you can
  14. We had a driver in the Drift series two years ago who did really well in his commo ute. He was making about 300RWHP but with a heap of torque. As suggested, get the suspension setup nice and stiff and you will be fine with 250HP to start. We teach newbies at the back section of the track which is where you will be for your first outing. Come out to the track and well help give some advice on next mods to make. Drifting is a lot about car setup but when starting out its all about getting time in the seat and learning!
  15. Heading down tomorrow night with the bike to see if I can bust into the 9's, stag will be there as well as its the tow car If anyone is heading down come say hi to the guy on the bike painted like the red angry bird, that's me
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