Hi all, wow, what can I say, an amazing weekend. Just wanna say thanks to all the people that organised this event, I had a great time there. Also big thanks to Steve who went out with me on the first session and checking my oil levels. A big thanks to Norm for helping me with the securing the air filter and tidying up the front bar to a more respectable level. Thank you adam for showing me the power of semi slicks, 1.13 is a remarkable time to get, especially with only stock boost, you sure know how to drive adam, but i'll beat you one day A round of thanks goes to UAS for fixing my car in 3 days just in time for the track day. Last but not least, a big thanks to my car for holding it all together through all this.
As much I would love to get semi slicks for the next event, I don't think I deserve them at the moment. I still need practice getting the braking points correct and getting some good speed out of corners but I definitely learned a great deal through this event and I hope to improve my times at the next event.
It was great meeting you people in person. Hi Anna, Buntaaaaaaaa, Ando, Corinne and anyone else I missed. I especially enjoyed getting wasted with you people on saturday night.
Now BRING ON THE PHOTOS!!! how about me getting off the track 3 times and trying to drift on the S curves